Saturday, 28 December 2024

Week 52 of 2024


I had a good night, up dressed and looking forward to the day. It is a nice 20 degrees and my BGL was 6.1

I haven’t felt like doing much today and do not feel like dealing with people.

Tim cooked a nice meal for our lunch.

Steps: 5,138


I had a good night, although when I got up at 5am I was having trouble keeping my eyes open so went back to bed for only 25 minutes after which I felt fine.

It is a nice morning at 18 degrees we are expecting a top of 29 degrees, my BGL was 5.0 so that’s good.

The temp got up to 30 degrees, Tim had training this morning and said when he got home that he is now off till Friday.

Steps: 4,278

I had a good night, slept straight through the night, woke to a much cooler morning, in fact it is supposed to be a much cooler day.

The temp is 14 degrees and my BGL is 5.1

Received my grocery shopping and a lot was missing so rang straight away and the woman I spoke to rang the store who rang the driver who came back with the extra 3 bags of stuff.

This afternoon while he was using his grinder it slipped and cut his thumb, he said maybe he should go to hospital and have it stitched but he couldn’t be bothered, so he cleaned it and applied band aids.


I had a good night, woke only once, it is currently 15 degrees, my BGL was 5.0. it is supposed to be a stinking hot day

Sue came and picked me up to go see mum & dad, I left a Christmas card for them on their headstone.

Tim is cooking a baked lunch for us as well as Tasha, Blain and his girlfriend. Although they took their sweet time coming down, but it was good when they arrived.

I was starting to feel unwell so had to turn the air con in the bedrooms on to try and reduce the heat in the house which helped how I was feeling.


I have been feeling sad this afternoon but not sure why.

So, at 4.50pm I was walking to the toilet and fell over my left elbow hit the linen press door putting a small hole in the door. I managed to get myself off the floor and it gave me a headache.

My left elbow and knee are very sore but not even bruised.

Steps are low today didn’t do much only 2,105


I had a good night, woke only once, it is currently 15 degrees, my BGL was 5.0. it is supposed to be a stinking hot day. At the moment it is 16 degrees and my BGL was 5.0.

While watching telly we heard a strange sound like the dishwasher running, Tim went to find out what the issue was, it was a blocked toilet. He has rang and reported it and someone should be out within 2hrs.

After that we went to Kathy’s for lunch Michael made his awesome burgers which I really like. It was 34 degrees outside Kathy’s house inside it was ok as she had the air con going.

We arrived home at 2.20pm and here it is 28 degrees thankfully Tim turned the air con on before we left to go out.

I had a good night, didn’t wake at all till the alarm went off at 5am. I feel good and happy this morning.

For a while this morning it didn’t look like it was going to warm up much but by 1pm I had turn the air con on.

Sam came over and is in her room this is the second time this week after no coming over for a few months.

The plumber arrived at 5.30pm, checked the drains and toilet and said it looks like the blockage cleared itself, both Tim and I knew that but stilled wanted it checked out.

Seps: 5,088






  1. I'm sorry you had such a spill on Christmas Day, Jo-Anne, but happy that there didn't seem to be any lasting effects. Sounds like you all had some great food over the holidays, too. Blessings!

    1. No fun having a fall but only a slight bruise and a sore elbow, yes we had some nice food

  2. Thank God your fall didn’t injure you, other than being sore. Still keep an eye on your left knee and elbow. We learned with my FIL after a fall that internal tissues, like muscles, ligaments, and nerves can be damaged in a fall and not show external bruising. Just keep an eye on it.

    1. I will keep an eye on it, the sorest part is my elbow

  3. I know we are getting way too old for these falls! Glad it wasn't any worse.

  4. My elderly sister in law is in hospital this week and the first thing they asked her in Casualty was did she fall? CWMartin, you are spot on!

  5. Oh goodness ... I hope you are feeling better today.

  6. Glad the fall wasn't any worse! Same with Tim's hand! Sounds like you have mostly been sleeping well and doing pretty well otherwise. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! :).

    1. Yes I am doing pretty good at this moment, I hope it lasts

  7. I think it is very easy and normal to feel sad at Christmas. How sweet to leave a card for your parents. I haven't know about Sam. Glad your plumbing issue cleared itself. Happy New Year and beautiful blessings in 2025.

    1. It makes me feel better leaving them cards, also it is good to see Sam is talking to Tim again, I am glad the blockage cleared itself


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