Sunday, 1 December 2024

Week 48 of 2024


 I had a great night, slept straight through, got up and had my shower and got dressed for the day.

Another hot day here had to turn the air con on around 2pm.

Kathy came over for a visit she was on her own, I asked her to change the sheets on my bed before she left which was much quicker than if I did it on my own.

I am not in a very happy mood today, don’t know why.

It is 11.20pm, I went to bed at 8.30 pretty much straight to sleep for an hour, when I had to pee, back to bed a back to sleep till 10.25 when I had to pee again had trouble get back to sleep then at 11.10, I had to pee again when I went back to bed the uncontrollable moving start so after 10 minutes I got up to use the powerfit and will sit up for half an hour before returning to bed and hopefully to sleep.

Steps: 10,209

I had a not so good night; I am starting this at 12.10am.

After returning to bed, I settled down and slept for 2hrs before needing to pee again, then back to sleep for another 1.5hrs till the alarm went off.

It is 18 degrees and my BGL is 5.0

I turned the air con on at 11.15am, when the temp reached 27 degrees.

I am so exhausted this afternoon; I am also drenched in sweat.

Steps: 8,488

A good night sleep went to bed at 8.30 and slept through till the alarm went off.

It is 18 degrees and my BGL is 5.0

Another very hot day with a top temp of 32 degrees.

Tasha was supposed to go to the shops for me but she didn’t so I asked Sue if she could take me down the road tomorrow, she said she would.

Tim is stressing out over how his diabetes is going to affect his driving authority. I told him worrying about it will not achieve anything and may make things worse.

Steps: 8,254

I slept well, Tim was already up when I got up, he said he had been up since unable to sleep.

Around 6am we had no water, it returned around 7.30am. it was 21 degrees at 6am and my BGL was 5.1.

Sue arrived just after 8am to take me to the shops, she said that Tasha rang her at 6.30 asking if she could go to Sue’s place for a shower before Sue drove4 her into the Tafe. Sue said she could.

By the time we had finished shopping and went back to the car it was stinking hot, we had been at the shops about an hour. I realised after I got home that I forgot to go to the post office, oh well I will do it later.

My walker isn’t the best with one wonky wheel that makes me worry it will come off and I will end up either falling over or becoming stuck while walking to and from the post box to post my letters off. So Tim suggested I swap to the old one that is out the back after some thought I agreed so Tim went and got it and it needed hosing off and there was a red back spider in the compartment under the seat. I suggested we swap the seat and the compartment under it around which is what we did. So, I will see how things go.

Steps: 7,156

Slept straight through the night again, woke up feeling heavy headed but that will pass, it is currently 22degrees and my BGL was 4.9


It was raining when I went up with Sam to meet the transport, but I had my red rain poncho on so all ok. It is very humid, and I had to turn the air con on as I was dripping in sweat while hanging the washing on the clothes hoists to dry. It is now 9.30am and 27 degrees.


By around 10.30 I was able to turn the air con off, but I left the doors closed and curtain drawn which kept the house cool enough.


This afternoon I was cleaning the sliding glass doors so I can put my Christmas decorations on them and slipped my thongs on to walk outside. However, as I have a habit of not always picking my feet up when I walk, I stumbled twice in them and once due to my feet being so sweaty so three times in all. So, when I went to meet Sam, I put on some thin stocking socks and walked up shoeless, thus being much more stable.


Steps: 6,761


Slept straight through the night again, woke up feeling heavy headed but that will pass, it is currently 22degrees and my BGL was 4.9


It is a lovely cool morning, I, slept all, I got up once to pee but straight back to sleep.


At 5.30am it was 20 degrees and my BGL was 4.8.


The top temp was only 24 degrees, but it has been a very humid day.


I had just ironed Tim’s work shirts and was just sitting at the computer when I started to feel off, I tested my blood it was 3.2. So, I got up and walked into the kitchen for food, I hadn’t had lunch yet. I quickly realised I was not right; I don’t know how long I stood in the kitchen just not with it. I walked back into the lounge room and picked up the phone and just looked at it for a bit before I rang Tasha. She came straight down and dished up my fruit I was having for lunch, topped up my drink watched me eat a bit. When I started to look better, she left. I was fine after I ate.


I even managed to put Christmas decorations on the sliding






  1. I wouldn't be wearing thongs. They are sloppy, as you found, and don't protect your feet.

  2. Oohwee I checked your temps. It is definitely a little warm there. I admit, I rarely wear shoes around the house. Barefoot gives me more traction. Hope you have a good day!

  3. Sounds like you'd be better off barefoot or wearing socks than those thongs. (I assume they are what we call flip flops here.) Hope you finally make it to the post office. :)

  4. I can no longer wear flip-flops, i.e. thongs while walking, Jo-Anne. I'll stick with my Skechers for comfort and stability. Have a great week ahead!

  5. Sounds like it might be a rough summer for you guys. I have a friend on X who's been posting up about the t-storms in NSW, too.


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