Wednesday 16 October 2024

Crossing the harbour


This week we are looking at crossing Newcastle harbour this was a challenge for travellers and those commuting to and from work.

It was also a great opportunity for ferries and punts, a great variety of ferries have come and gone from Newcastle over the years with some used chiefly as industrial transport while others would be used to transport people.

Punts also played an important role and up till the time the Stockton Bridge was built they really had their work cut out for them.

Among the famous and long serving punts was the Mildred which was the first vessel launched at Newcastle’s Walsh Island Dockyard in 1914 and was named after the dockyard superintendent. The Mildred also spent some time working as a Hawkesbury River punt during World War 11, she was retired in 1945 and sold to a private party. This punt could carry 15 vehicles and 70 passengers.

Another punt was the Kookaburra also built a Walsh Island and was the last car ferry built in NSW.

Now days the Stockton Ferry still runs it is a direct ferry departing from Queens Wharf and arriving at Stockton Wharf. Services depart every 15 minutes and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 5 min, I think it costs around $8.

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Crossing the harbour

  This week we are looking at crossing Newcastle harbour this was a challenge for travellers and those commuting to and from work. It was ...