Thursday 1 August 2024

Just some statistics


Hi all well I have been thinking and thinking about what my Thursday post should be about and I have no blood idea. So today you get a few facts such as.

Research estimates 1 in 100 adults live with borderline personality disorder. It's more common for women to be diagnosed, but men experience it at a similar rate. Usually, symptoms appear in the teenage years or early adulthood.

Parkinson's is relatively common. Approximately 1 in 500 people have the condition. It becomes more common with older age groups, and it is believed 1% of people above the age of 60 have Parkinson's. The average age at diagnosis is 59.

Then we have diabetes which I have type 2 of, like nearly half the population it seems.

Global diabetes statistics says one in 10 adults have diabetes and one in two adults don’t know they have it.

Just over 1.3 million people were newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in Australia between 2000 and 2021. This was an average of 60,000 people each year.

However, in 2021, the number of people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was well below this average at 45,700, equating to 178 diagnoses per 100,000 population.

Bipolar disorder affects something 2.5 percent of the population and is associated with reduced functioning, cognitive impairment and other things.


  1. Interesting. No one in my family had diabetes and so far so good for me at age 70. My husband’s family had a history of diabetes but he doesn’t show signs. He’s fit - goes to the gym 2-3 times at the Veterans to use the treadmill.
    I had an uncle who had schizophrenia and was in a mental institution for 30+ years. It was bad and back then they gave him shock treatments. Sad.

    1. It's good that neither you or your husband have diabetes, it is so distressing the way people with a mental illness were treated once a pond a time.

  2. I hate to say this, but in the USA, the group that monitors what we eat and drugs is combined in the FDA. They have continually lied about the food pyramid, and as soon as someone shows symptoms of high blood sugars, they want to put you on medication to control that. Since Covid, I don't trust any of them, and that is sadder than sad. I have to fast to actually prove to my doctors that they are wrong in thinking I'm on the cusp of developing Type 2 diabetes. Medication is often not the answer.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. Often a doctor will try to control someone's diabetes by diet alone and usually when some goes onto medication for it they start with one tablet but because Tim is a bus driver he wants to get on top of it fast

  3. I am pre diabetic and have to watch what I ear. I try not to eat junk foods. I do eat fruits and vegetables.

    1. If it can be controlled by diet alone that is great

  4. Oh my, more statistics, interesting to say the least, Jo-Anne.

    1. I couldn't think of anything to write about but at least it was interesting

  5. We don't have anyone I know of in the family with either of these, but I know they are more common than people may think. Interesting facts.

    1. That is good that you don't have anyone with any of these conditions

  6. The only condition I would be totally distressed by is Parkinson's disease. Because it affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves, I keep watching for a tremor in my main hand.

    1. Yeah Parkinson's is a right pain to live with, my body never seems to stop moving.

  7. These are interesting statistics for sure, Jo-Anne. Thanks for bring awareness to both conditions. Blessings!

  8. I agree with Martha. It makes you wonder if everyone in the old days had the same afflictions or if our lifestyle has caused much of the illnesses they say we have now. I guess we will never know.

    1. I have wondered that myself while writing these posts about medical conditions, how did some cope with these diseases way back when

  9. Well, I do have type 2 diabetes and while I do take medication for it I watch myself very closely!

  10. Those are interesting fact. Thank you for sharing them. You take care.

  11. Some of these statistics are a bit alarming! I do think diabetes is on the rise. I am not diabetic but am sometimes on the high end of normal so try to be careful with sugar. I know I've had too much lately, sadly I love it. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Yeah diseases like diabetes are on the rise and many may not realise they have it or burry their head in the sand hoping it will go away.

  12. Sometimes I wonder if the incidence of type 2 isn't rising with the profitability of the meds...



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