Friday 2 August 2024

Autism Spectrum Disorder


After much thought I have decided to write about autism, why well I have nephew who is autistic, and Sam is also autistic so in order to learn more about the disorder myself I will write about it.

Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder or autism spectrum condition, is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by deficits in reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour. 

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how a person's brain develops and functions, and an estimated 1 in 40* people are on the autism spectrum. Autism can be diagnosed in people of all ages, all cultural backgrounds and economic status. 

n people with ASD, the brain does not grow in the same way it does in most people. ASD presents differently in boys and girls.

ASD is not a mental health problem, or an intellectual disability. But some people with ASD will also have those problems.

I always thought of it as some kind of mental health issue, seems I was wrong.

Children and adults with ASD may be highly intelligent, of normal intelligence, or have an intellectual disability. Along with some challenges, an autistic person will also have a range of strengths.

Doctors used to think that Asperger’s and autism were separate conditions. They now think that they are all part of one condition, called autism spectrum disorder or ASD. People with ASD will all have different experiences.

About 1 in 150 Australians has ASD.

The characteristics of ASD usually start in infancy. But they may not be noticeable until the age of 2 or 3 years. Sometimes ASD is diagnosed much later in life.

Most people with ASD can learn the skills they need to function independently or in a supportive environment.

A late diagnosis of ASD can have consequences. Growing up with ASD without support can have an impact on a person’s mental health, education, development, and social life. They may find themselves at a higher risk of bullying, abuse, and violence.

The earlier your child receives an ASD diagnosis, the earlier they can get support. This will more likely that they will learn communication skills, social skills and life skills.



  1. Absolutely excellent Jo_Anne. I have a close relative with Autism.

    1. Thanks, I will write a little more about it next week

  2. I know several with children and grandchildren that have it. It almost seems epidemic. One friend I know, whose granddaughter has a severe case of it, swears it has to do with the well baby vaccines. I have another friend who has 2 children with it and she too swears it’s the vaccines. She even left the state of California and moved to Oregon because they do not require infant vaccines to be in school.

    I’m interested in what the latest information regarding that is. I’ve heard many physicians who do not agree that the cause is infant vaccines.

    When my boys were in school, and when I was growing up, it wasn’t as prevalent as it is today.

    1. When I was younger I didn't know anyone who was autistic in fact it was pretty much unheard of.

  3. When I was an aide with handicapped kids we had several kids with forms of autism. There was a wide variety even with the few I personally took care of.

    1. Yeah I didn't know that it wasn't one size fits all, as in it effects people differently

  4. It's great that you're taking up the topic of autism.
    I find it important and interesting to find out more.

  5. It does seem to be more prevalent today than when I was a kid. We had vaccines, but very few. Now they vaccinate for everything. Makes you wonder.

    1. It does seem to be more prevalent but then back in the day people with something like this would be locked away in an asylum and not talked about

  6. Autism is certainly a condition that we should all know more about, Jo-Anne, so I'm glad you're tackling it. I did teach a child once who had Aspergers, but was able to function pretty well with his classmates due to the early intervention taken by his parents. Blessings!

    1. Thank you know more about things like this is a good thing feel

  7. I am very familiar with autism. I was a teacher's assistant for autistic students for years. It is a truly tough disorder. And it is unfortunately on the rise.

    1. Yes it does seem to be on the rise maybe one day we will really know why that is just now

  8. My daughter taught kids with ASD. It wasn't an easy job, that's for sure.

    1. I can't imagine how hard such a job would be but I know it wouldn't be easy

  9. KC thinks Grayson might be on the spectrum. If he is, he must be fairly low on it.



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