Sunday, 10 March 2024

Week 10 of 2024


Much cooler this morning only 23 degrees this morning, no breeze which is better then a hot breeze I guess. By 7am it had dropped to 19 degrees and by 8.30am it has gone up again to 21 degrees.

Having internet issues this morning so bloody frustrating. I rebooted the computer and it came good. So I was able to do the food shopping.

I am trying to stay up till 5pm each day, managed it yesterday and again today.

Another good night, at 5am when I got up it was only 21 degrees but by 6am it was 22 degrees. Had an egg-flip for breakie as I am out of chocolate milk. There is a nice cool breeze coming through the house, I am in longish pants as I have no clean shorts that fit me.

Tasha came down to see me not for any reason other then to say Hi and give me a hug let me know she misses seeing me but she has been pretty busy with work and stuff.

Tim's physio came and that went well, he only has 2 more appointments with her, this afternoon he went to find a denture repair place as his plate is damaged.

This morning I woke to Tim giving me a pat as I hadn't heard the alarm go off. It was 17 degrees when I got up so I am wearing long light-weight pants again.

The laptop is giving me a headache this morning.

Tim, Jessica and myself went out for lunch at Tim's favourite all you can eat place the Eastern Tiger.

Tomorrow Jessica and Tasha maybe going out for lunch and Jess said I could go with them.

Another cool morning with a temp of 18 degrees, slept well. I put on shorts when I got dressed but had to go and change into longer pants, at least until it starts to warm up. That is what Autumn is like long pants in the morning shorts from mid morning onwards till we need warmer clothes in the evening.

I do not feel well this morning my whole head aches and feels too heavy for my body.

After Sam went to school I put my feet up and closed my eyes for 45 minutes.

I went out for lunch with Jess and Tasha that was nice, I enjoyed myself.

Tim had someone into clean the carpet it does look better.

After another good night I am up dressed and started my day the temp is 19 degrees.

Tim has an appointments this morning with his counselor and before he left he turned the air con on this was a surprise for me as he usually doesn't want it on. He told me when he got home that it was his last appointments with him, he felt it was a waste of time seeing the guy.

I tidy up Sam's room just folded up his clothes and moved his art books onto a cupboard and not the floor.

It got to 28 degrees by 11am.

I found a message from Jess telling me Sam isn't going to school, he needs a day off.

It is 21 degrees this morning but not hot with the front and back doors open.

At 1pm Tim decided to walk to Service NSW when he left I turned the air con on. It was 28 degrees when I turned it on.

Tim was annoyed when as he found out what he went to Service NSW about has to be done online.

Tim went and dug out some documents from storage in shed to use for his resume, it exhausted him and he also spent about 45 minutes shredding documents.

I woke with the alarm after sleeping straight through the night, the temp was 20 degrees at 5am but by 5.45 it was had dropped to 19 degrees. It went back up to 20 degrees by 8am.

Had a phone call from Kathy she said her and the girls will be over this afternoon for a visit. They turned up around 1.30pm and stared an hour & half.

By 2pm it was 28 degrees.


  1. Overall, it sounds like you had a good week, Jo-Anne. I can't believe we're into this many weeks in the New Year!

    1. It was overall a good week indeed,the year is going fast

  2. I forget that it's summer in Australia! I'm happy you had a good week, and a little shocked that it's already week ten of this new year! WOW!

  3. Sounds like a pretty calm week.
    Ordinary days are wonderful in my book. ;)

  4. Is there such a thing as a denture repair place? I hope so.... his mouth has to be comfortable.

    1. Yes there is and he has had his dentuires repaired

  5. It's hard to believe that it is summer there. Winter here. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. Stilll winter here too. Computer and internet problems are a pain in the patoo!! I do love it when I can actually sleep through the night.

    1. Yeah computer and internet issues are right pain

  7. OH it is getting very close to Spring here. Soon it will get into summer and be hotter than an oven. Sent an email.

    1. Yeah here in autumn you can go from cold to hot and back to cold

  8. I was going to tease you about, did Tim's plate break because you slugged him, but I remember my dad's plate splitting dead in two while eating mashed potatoes, so...


Iraq National Anthem

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