Sunday, 8 November 2020

Another week in the life of Jo-Anne


Up at 6.10 because Tim was complaining that said air from my Cpap mask blowing in his face.

I managed to dress myself and get my own breakfast.

Tim at work today.

A coolish day and yet I am sweating from head to foot.

Leo has been in and out all day.

Strong wind at 2.40pm blew the green bin over.

Leo came and got an umbrella so he could go to Macca's, this I feel odd about. However, I am super proud of him, he is growing so fast.

Another early start woke at 5.40am and got up straight away. Tasha arrived just after I opened the house I was having my morning wash.

Tim is on late starts this week.

He printed my letters, diary enters and address list for me this morning.

So now I have a pile of letters to post.

I forgot to go wait for Leo this afternoon I just forgot for no reason it wasn't till Tasha rang and asked me if I had forgotten something that I remembered.

I woke at 5.50am and got up a short time later and was sitting in the bathroom waiting for Tasha lost in my own little world.

Been a nice cool day but I am of course sweating.

Had a phone call from Sandra this morning to tell me our uncle Richie's funeral is on Thursday about a 45 minute drive from here. I said I would love to go but with Covid I would only be able to attend if I remained outside as only 20 immediate family members can be inside.

It was 6.13 when I woke this morning 2 minutes before my alarm went off.

I found printer ink on my laptop this morning, happy me.

Been a sticky day for me one of those days when going to the toilet causes so much sweat and stickiness that pulling up my clothing is a task and a half.

Will need a shower tomorrow as I stink.

Woke up when the alarm went off, I was having a strange dream about having a blackout and asking Tim to fix it so I could have light and handed me a light bulb.

Tasha gave me a shower after I had breakfast, she was in a snappy mood because there was a mess in the lounge room and in the kitchen.

Kelli rang and asked if I had a spacer she could borrow I do and she has came and borrowed it.

It has been raining since mid morning, I doubt I will be able to meet Leo.

Leo is here tonight.

Woke with the alarm found Leo already awake, it is a cold morning.

I have an appointment at the JHH with the gynaecology clinic this afternoon.

Took the wheelchair to appointment he said to stay on the Betimiga medication as it is working. Also told me to stop drinking caffeinated drinks. I said not going to happen as I don't like to drink just water. Also I don't like juice, cordial etc.........

Rang mum when I got home she was good telling me about a call from Aunty Denise, she rang mum and asked her Thomas Richard NO it was Richard Thomas 2nd how could she not know her dad's name.

Jess coming to help me get ready for bed.

I woke at 6.11am even though it is Saturday, I got up straight away. I felt like shit and had a pity moment resulting in a Facebook post.

I was over it in 30 minutes time.

Woke up with a blood shot eye, my right eye.

Kathy came and gave me a shower and said that her weekends are so busy she just doesn't has the time to help me.

Managed to set the ironing board up and iron Tim work shirts.

I asked for someone to help me look for the Christmas cards I bought at the end of last year. However, I am still waiting.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Never heard your expression of: a task and a half! Like that, not for the reason you used it here though...
    Sad that you suffer from so many cold sweats, meaning during cool weather and so. Wish there would be a remedy but probably it also is a side effect from certain meds, like is for Pieter's.
    Sending you hugs,

  2. I sweated a lot when I was going through my menopause. It can be very uncomfortable, feeling sweating. Hope your right eye is alright now. Hope that you will find the Christmas cards.

  3. I normally do not have night sweats but the other night I did wake up, wet. It was warm under my covers but the house was cold. I guess my body couldn't regulate itself properly and I am long away from being menopausal.

    YOu do keep moving about and keeping yourself busy and that is good.

  4. Summer is over here so not sweating much. I never do in the house as I do let the ac run on hot days.

  5. When I hit the part about Jess coming to help you to bed, I misread and thought it said "Jesus" and wondered how you managed such high powered help...

  6. Marettie........The sweating has been happening for over a year my GP has no idea why. I say task & a half a lot don't know why

    Nancy......Only had a few episodes of night sweats and hot flashes during menopause

    Debby......I can't sit sitll menopause was a long time ago

    Katie........Aren't we all glad to have air cons

    Chris........Now that would be a shock


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