Tuesday, 13 November 2018

What a week

What a week this is shaping up to be, yesterday I went to my aqua class I then find Jessica here when I got home and she wanted me to go to the RTA with her, on Saturday she bought a 2000 Toyota Camry for $1,300. It is a 5 speed manual or a 5 on the floor, Jessica has never driven a manual but wants to learn, so on Saturday & Sunday Tim spent hours helping her learn how to drive it. Tim has printed up a sign which he has taped to the back window saying “learning to drive a manual”. So anyway yesterday she went and changed the rego into her name.

She then used my computer to fill out the online application for her to have her dental surgery next month that took about 45 minutes and involved a lot of frustration which made me end up with a headache.

While she was doing that I rang to change my appointment for an MRI, the appointment was made for 7.30pm on the 21st and there is no way I could get there at that time. Well the woman I spoke to was pretty rude and snapped at me if I need a daytime appointment it won't be till February, I calmly said that will be fine I don't go back to see the neurologist till March.

Today I went with mum to her physio appointment that went well she doesn't need to go back again and mum asked what they thought of her driving, she was told there is physical reason why she cannot drive, this made mum happy.

Tomorrow I have my aqua class again and Thursday I have a doctor's appointment and Friday I have to go to the shopping centre as I do every Friday.


  1. Wow, you certainly have a lot going on. Hope your schedule calms down a bit.

  2. Busy times for you Jo-Anne.
    I presume you have some one to drive you places.
    Some people can be ever so rude on the phone, no manners at all.
    Bullying is a big problem as you know and it's not nice to be on the wrong end.

  3. You have a busy schedule! Good for you that you stayed calm even though the person on the other side of the phone was rude. You won a star for self control!

  4. Hi Jo-Anne - lots going on ... take care - cheers Hilary

  5. Wow, that WAS busy! I applaud Jessica for being brave enough to trust she'd learn how to drive that stick. When I was taught I got the priciples but not the timing until I kicked my instructor out. Hopefully Tim was gentle, and the sign was a great Idea. Lots of problems with bullying anymore, I will pray for Issy.

  6. Karen......Yeah busy times happen but such is life

    Margaret...Yes my daughter Natasha drives me around, bullying isn't new sadly

    Nancy.......Getting upset and being rude back doesn't help the matter

    Hilary......Yes there is but such is life

    Chris.......Yeah Tim took her to a quiet area and got out and told her to try without anyone with her, he can be very patient at times

  7. Busy busy busy busy. That receptionist had no right to be rude. It was an unacceptable time.

  8. Boy that is the truth. Being rude in return gains nothing. Let them "get away" with it. It's not costing you anything. There have been a few times recently when I forgot my own advice. Usually I am very nice to rude folks but two times lately I snapped back. I have too much to deal with right now and I guess that put me over.

  9. Diane.....I don't know what her problem was

    Katie.....Yeah it is better to remain calm and polite but at times it isn't that easy


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....