Thursday, 15 November 2018


Here we are at Thursday, it has felt like a long week but really not any longer then any other week. I guess the restless I am feeling at night isn't helping either.

Once a pond a time, I went to bed fell asleep, woke up it was morning. Now I go to bed lay down feel like I can't breathe,get up walk around, go back to bed, tell myself too concentrate on my breathing, fall asleep, wake up look at the clock it's only been 2hrs. I get up go to the toilet, go back to bed, feel like I can't breathe and that I am restless, walk around the house try going back to bed, fall asleep wake up it's been another 2 bloody hours, repeat every 2hrs till morning. Such is my life

This morning I had a doctor's appointment and I asked him if it would be possible for me to take an extra tablet for my restlessness at night. He said I could try it from time to time but not every night, as that wouldn't be good for my long time health.

I hope next week I have no appointments it is the appointments that make the day/week seem so long.


  1. I am usually up 2 to 5 times a night so I know the feeling.

  2. It'S "once upon a time". Not once a pond a time.

  3. Anonymous, are grammar police really necessary? Let's see how you do after a few sleepless nights...

  4. Hi Jo-Anne ... hope things ease up and take care - cheers Hilary

  5. Wonder if you need a CPAC to sleep at night - have you even done a sleep study?

  6. I'm ever so lucky, i go to bed when I'm tired soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep, then wake up in the morning without any interruptions..yes, I'm lucky.

  7. Rita.......Yeah up & down sucks

    Anonymous..Yeah whatever

    Chris......Thanks, if someone can't tell me who they are and only want to criticise then they can bugga off

    Hilary.....I am sure things will be better

    Chatty.....I have one and have too have another sleep study

    Margaret....Oh how I miss those days

  8. I hope that extra pill at night helps, it's horrible to try to get through a day without enough sleep.

  9. The sleep study can help and a CPAP may be in order. I have one and they made a good difference. Have you been checked for asthma? That could be why you are having a hard time with not breathing well after lying down. A quick visit to the pulmonologist may be in order perhaps?


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