Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Just some thoughts

Damn it is hot today, just had to turn the air con on because of the heat. Want to hear so good news, not exciting news just for me some good news, last night I managed to sleep for 3.5hrs before waking up to go to the toilet, I then slept for another 3hrs and I managed to go straight back to sleep after visiting the loo. This hasn't happened in ages, so I was somewhat happy this morning and didn't wake up tired.

I went to my aqua class as I do on Wednesdays, and after getting home and having a couple of soft boiled eggs I vacuumed out and tossed a load of laundry into the machine and put away the dried clothes.

I have read my usual blogs around 25-30 different blogs and then I had an ice cream cone before sitting here too write this piece of dribble. I told Tim & Tasha that this weekend I want to make a start on my Christmas decorations, I will need help doing that.

Also heard from Jessica that she is working Saturday day and Saturday night so we will have Leo from around 9am Saturday till I am guessing between 10-11 Sunday morning.

I also managed to find Leo's phone while I was tidying up, it was in a plastic bag between the lounges.

Not much news today but at least you know I am doing ok


  1. Sleep is so important and I'm glad you got some better sleep and hope it keeps up. :)

  2. How wonderful you slept so well Jo-Anne.
    Let's hope you can repeat that.
    Happy Birthday for the other day and I hope you had a good one.

  3. I get up a lot at night but I can usually get back to sleep. My Fitbit tells me I get 7.5 hours and I’m happy with that.

  4. Funny that you are in summer and we are in winter! Stay cool.

  5. Hi Jo-Anne - hope the sleep continues ... take care - cheers Hilary

  6. Sometime my sleeping times also changes

  7. Sleep is definitely a blessing!

  8. Glad you got some sleep. That is so great. Sure makes you feel better. Have a wonderful day.

  9. Rita......I do too, I had another good night last night

    Margaret...Yes I hope it continues too

    Rick.......Yes if we go straight back to sleep it is all good

    Chatty.....Yeah I know

    Hilary......Me to

    Nancy.......We all need a good nights sleep

    Chris.......That it is

    Marg.......Yes we function better when we sleep well


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....