Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Hagfish

Hi there everyone, here we are at Wednesday, it's a wet Wednesday after a few really hot days it is now much cooler.

Anyway since it is Wednesday is is indestructible creature day and today’s creature is the Hagfish, heard of it? Nope, me either.

The Hagfish is an eel like creature, a pink, plump boneless fish that lives on the seabed, it has a mouth lined with evil looking teeth that it uses to munch through unfortunate prey. A hagfsh swims through the water by waving its paddle like tail.

When it is danger it releases a mixture of chemicals and very fine threads from its body, these react with seawater to make a gloopy slime that puts predators off. If you out one hagfish in a bucket of water, it can easily turn the whole lot into an incredibly think, stringy, stretchy slime in seconds.

If despite the slime a predator manages to grab a hagfish, it has another trick up its sleeve. It can tie itself in a knot then slide the knot along its body to push itself free of its enemy’s grip.

They live for about 40 years in the ocean but only 17 years in a protected environment such as an aquarium.


  1. Can say I don't recall reading or seeing them.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - yes I've heard of it ... it's a very ancient life form ... and are similar to lampreys ... incredible creatures that have not changed much over millions of millennia ... fascinating - cheers Hilary

  3. That's one I haven't heard of! Wow! What a fascinating creature. :)

  4. I know they're associated with lampreys and live a disgusting life...

  5. Margaret.......Same here, till now

    Karen..........I get that

    Hilary..........Yeah they have been around a bloody long time

    Rita............Yes fascinating indeed

    Chris...........Yes they are disgusting

  6. Yuck, but VERY interesting - I had never heard of them before.

  7. Really interesting creature. Never heard of it until now.


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