Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Gross facts No:6 Urine

Good morning, oh what a night, I woke up every hour or two with a dry mouth and it was driving me crazy. This morning I can tell you why, my nose is running but also slightly blocked so I reckon I was breathing through my mouth a lot. So I have taken a hayfever relief tablet, so let's see how that works.

Anyway here are this weeks gross facts, this week it is urine.

When it comes out pee is cleaner than spit

Urine is 95% water, the other 5% is old body cells, unwanted material from your food and salt

Ancient Egyptian doctors used to taste a persons urine to check if they were diabetic

You pee between one & two litres of urine a day, which means throughout your life you could pee enough urine to fill a small swimming pool, 45,000 litres that would be

Your pee is yellow because of a chemical called urochrome

If you eat asparagus your pee will smell of it

Most people can control the speed of their pee by using the muscles underneath their bladder, but not me I can not do that.

Male lobsters have bladders in their heads and shoot pee at each other


  1. Interesting information. Thanks for your comment of our Lucky boy.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... great when I next eat a lobster, not that I do very often, I'll now remember it spurting forth its urine - not good! I do know about the diabetes tasting method ... but the rest - I'm off for my cup of tea - cheers Hilary

  3. LOL! Some of these are pretty funny!

    The clogged nose thing and dry mouth from breathing through your nose when sleeping--been dealing with that for two months! Sucks.

  4. All interesting but I did know about urine, it came with my training :)

  5. Love the male lobsters urine problem.
    I thought I heard urine was sterile.

  6. Marg.....You are welcome

    Hilary....Anytime, I like to enlighten

    Rita.......That they are, that is does suck

    Margaret....I thought some people would know these facts

    Chris.......Me too

    Chatty.......Yeah I wouldn't want to be a male lobster


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