Thursday, 22 November 2018

Friendship Poem No:4 (I think)

O, for the love of a friend whose voice and touch will rainbow sorrows, diamonds tears, making of them gems of rarest joy.

One who forgives all my shortages ere asked to do so; one who dare to the uttermost of human imagery

One whose ship will cast anchor, and throw out the lifeline of hope when storm are near

One who forgives in me all that I can forgive in myself

O, for the love of a friend who can be made the sacred trustee of my heart

One who is more to me than the closest relative, one whose name is so sacred that I want to whisper it softly

One who lingers near my door in time of distress, and stretches forth their hand, which is not empty or cold and who says little but feels largely.



  1. Beautiful poem. Friends are often closer than family. :)

  2. Rita......For some they are

    Margaret...Thanks, I thought so

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, thank you for sharing this lovely poem, which captures so well what a true friendship is for those of us who have known it. It brought to mind my friend from college and convent days. She and I camped each September for 10 years and called one another each Saturday morning for nearly 30 years. She died in 1998 and I felt as if part of my should had gone missing. But her spirit remains with me still. Thank you for this poem. Peace.

  4. Dee......I am pleased you liked the poem and that it brought to mind a memory


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