Wednesday, 23 August 2017

This is me

I was told last night that I have let myself go because of how big I am. If it was easy to stop eating and if I could walk I would do so but these things are easier said then done, just because you don't see me trying doesn't mean I am not doing the best I am able to do, feeling bad about how I look doesn't help when it comes to weight loss because when one is depressed and feel that nothing they do works one feels why am I bothering but still I try and still I get up and spend 60-70 minutes each morning exercising does anyone thing I want to be a short fat woman who struggles to do things.

Do you think I like all the muscle strain and pain and not being able to move my legs and arms without pain. I may be big but I am trying to like who I am and learn to deal with it while still trying to lose weight and be slimmer. I try to dress nicely................Being told you have let yourself go doesn't help and people cannot tell me what to do that will help, because what I am doing isn't working so I have no bloody idea what else to do.

This is me, this is who I am at this stage in my life, I am still the same person just in a bigger package, telling me I look fat doesn't help, try telling me I look nice and help me feel loved and needed and not like a failure. Because I often feel like I am a failure, in case you didn't know..................


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    You are not alone, dear friend. Millions of people have the same struggle and endure body shaming from others, even well meaning others. You are beautiful. I can testify to that. You are anything but a failure. You are worthy of love. Do the best you can. Be the best you can be. No one can ask or expect any more of you than that.

    1. Thank you, I am trying day in and day out and for the most part I know it and Tim doesn't get why I was upset by the word "you have let yourself go" others get it but not Tim

  2. Commented on FB already, so I'll just say, Shady nailed it.

    1. Tim took all the comments on Facebook as a personal attack on him and missed the point that the post was about how I was feeling

  3. If someone said something to you to make you feel badly about yourself, I am sorry. No person should ever do that to another, or assume they know anything about what others feel or are going through. You are a good person, that's all that matters.

    1. Thank you he said it out of love but still it hurt

  4. I hate to hear you cut yourself down although at times I do the same thing. However - God made you and I and God doesn't make junk! Love yourself He made you. sandie

    1. Thank you yesterday morning wasn't a great day but today is better

  5. Nothing worse than put downs. You are a great mum and grandmother.

  6. I totally understand. You should try to never allow someone else to rain on your parade. I think you exercising for that long every day is awesome. I wish I could do that. Hang in there, Girlfriend and Don't Let the Turkeys get you Down!

    1. Thanks for the most part I don't let them get to me but we all have days when they do

  7. You're in good company. I am waging a one-man war against weight gain, and it ain't easy. I've had some success with a low carb and portion control diet combined with exercise. Like I said, it ain't easy - if it were, more people would do it.

  8. It is easier to tell others to lose weight. Our love ones and many concerned people try to encourage us but they didn't know how tough it is when one is trying to lose weight. I am also trying but it is not easy! You are beautiful and just continue to do your part. Don't lose hope.

    1. Yes Tim acts like it should be so easy just don't over eat and exercise but honestly it isn't as easy as it sounds

  9. Well, I can tell you all the right words because I have heard them before but I also know that words are just that- words. I am right. there. with. you. I struggle with the discomfort and pain of fibromyalgia and arthritis and I am the other fat lady in the world. I don't like it but if someone told me I have let myself go that would certainly add to my already compromised mental self. Encouraging words don't even help me but I do keep searching for my way out. I think it's going to be different for everyone so we do have to keep up the good fight. I hope you find a way to tune out the negatives from others and any that come from within. You do have so much to offer. These low points are difficult but we also have to fight our way out of them. Keeping you close in my thoughts.

    1. It is sad that Tim just doesn't get how much those words hurt me he says he is just saying how it is but that isn't how it is in my opinion. With everyone else saying they get it and know how those words hurt just makes him thing everyone is attacking him and doesn't get this is about me not him and how I am feeling

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I think it's amazing that you work out as much as you do. To me you are an inspiration. Praying for understanding and heart connections between you and your loved ones.

    1. Thank you for the words of inspiration for me, I am doing the best I can at this time in my life

  11. Jo-Anne, there is little like the sadness one feels when one has been put down or condescended to in life, no matter who it is that does that. It is a sorry thing to do and were the situation reversed they, whoever they are, would get a full taste of that they just inflicted. (((HUGS)))


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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