Sunday, 20 August 2017

Random thoughts No1

Here are this weeks first random thoughts and things, I will be doing this type of post most weeks.

Ever had a moment when you are trying to cut a sandwich in half and are finding it difficult and then you realise you have the knife upside down and felt like a dill......................

Some days I eat too much.......................

Mostly I am happy.......................

Taking your shirt and singlet off in pubic because you're stating to feel warm and no longer want the singlet on..............

Seems even 28% of Muslims find women in a full burqa makes them feel uncomfortable.................

Seems that the 2017 flu is the worst on record here in Australia....................................

I write a lot of letters...............................

This is the warmest August we have had in years.....................................

But still there are some bloody cold days and nights...................................

I like banana and choc chip bread, thinly sliced and toasted under the grill............................


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I like your idea to have a series of posts with a common theme - randomness. :) Yessum, I have found myself using the dull edge of a knife occasionally. Some days I eat too much and most days I would describe myself as happy. The secret to happiness is to keep expectations low and learn to look for, identify and be thankful for every little gift life gives you. Today, for example, I fed some squirrels on my way to the mailbox and the experience made me feel happy.

    Enjoy your week, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. It doesn't take much to make me happy, and being happy is better then being sad

  2. Interesting! These posts will be fun to read. :)

  3. Banana and chocolate chip bread????? I like the sound of that.

  4. I don't cut my sandwiches. I eat them whole.
    I am such a barbarian.

  5. I cut my sandwiches in quarters as I cannot eat a lot at once because I get short of breath. I probably has some kind of problem but I am not about to find out as it is very expensive to get invasive procedure. I eat little at a time.

    1. I like mine cut in quarters too and eat a small amount at a time


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....