Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Old Cards and Letters

Do you save old greeting cards and letters?

When I was younger I kept some cards and letters but not any more as a rule, although if I received a really nice card I may keep it.

When I see in movies and tv shows people finding a small pile of letters that have been kept I generally think who keeps letters, although I do get keeping some letters.

However, it is not something I generally do. I write and receive a lot of letters each year so if I was to keep all I received I would have boxes and boxes of letters.


  1. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    You're right, dear friend. We can't keep all of the cards and letters we receive, and I admit that I am somewhat of a pack rat in that regard. However, there are some pieces of mail that I will keep the rest of my life. Among my most treasured items are greeting cards bearing the signature of my dear departed friend Margaret Schneider who recently left this world at the age of 105. I will also keep forever a Christmas card that I received in the mail from my dad one day after he died.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. I get keeping those things, some things mean something to us most stuff is just stuff

  2. I've kept a lot of stuff, but I haven't gotten that many letters in my life so those don't take up much space. After my mother died in 2014 my siblings and I found some boxes of letters and cards. We sat in her living room while my sister read them to us. What insight we gained so we were glad she had kept all of that history. I've thought about compiling them into some kind of book form--a someday project.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yes I get how reading old letters can make us feel and one day when I am gone when my girls go through my stuff may find things they might enjoy reading about the things that mattered to me

  3. I can't keep all the letters I get either. Which is good. It's more private then whatever people say to me. ;)

  4. I keep cards that I get from my hubby and my kids. I also kept some of their art work from school. They each have their designated folders in my filing cabinet so as they have kids, I can pass it down. I also keep Christmas cards for a couple of years because I've had too many people pass that I don't have anything special from. It's cool to open up my wrapping paper box and see them in there each year.

    Enjoy the rest of your week and here's my blog addy:

    1. Yes I have art work from the girls and grandchildren and cards they gave me when at times

  5. I saved the last letter I received from my mother, which arrived after she died. I have also kept a few of the cards my children gave me when they were young, and a couple of notes that they wrote to me.


  6. Before I was married I saved all the ones I got from my fiancé. When after we married and he went overseas to work before I could get there to be with him...6 months...I saved his letters. But after that times except for a few from my Father and Mother, I never have saved them.

  7. Once upon a time, i might have.... not anymore.

    1. I think as we age we realise keeping stuff for the sake of keeping it means little and creates clutter


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