Thursday, 17 August 2017

Looking in a mirror

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

I know some people spend a lot of time looking at themselves in a mirror but I am not one of them, the only times I find myself looking at myself in a mirror is when I am brushing my hair or putting make up.

Now when I wash my hands after I go to the toilet there is a mirror above the sink but I rarely take any notice of myself when I chance at it while washing my hands.

Being a large woman I find many mirrors make me look bigger then I feel not saying they make me look bigger then I am just bigger then I feel.

Yes I check how I look in a mirror before going out that I think is just natural but I don't feel the need to check how I look many times a day


  1. LOL! "Bigger then I feel"--Yes! Know exactly what you mean. :)

  2. Dear Jo-Anne, I seldom look in a mirror. Like you, I look when I'm brushing my hair and also after I've used my electric toothbrush each evening so I can wipe away the toothpaste! Peace.

    1. I often comb my hair without the aid of a mirror

  3. I'm shocked when I see myself in the mirror because I don't look the way that I fell, so I don't look unless I must.


  4. I'd look more often if I saw someone else...

  5. Right there with you on this----I usually avoid the mirrors unless I have to do my hair or makeup.

    1. They are good the serve a purpose but only need to look at one when really needed

  6. I avoid mirrors unless I'm brushing my hair, I don't wear make-up. Even when I'm brushing my hair I don't look closely.

    1. Me too, don't see the point in looking at myself unless I need to

  7. You are more than your looks . How we look is just one aspect of our personality.

  8. Just when I shave and just before leaving the house to make sure my hats on straight.


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