Monday, 21 August 2017

Did you know Monday

Here we are at another did you know Monday, it is a cold Monday too and a tad wet outside I have been up since 4.30am done over an hour of exercise, have taken Leo to school and read like 40 blog posts and now I am going to share these facts with you...................

In M & M chocolates the letters stand for Mars and Murri, the developers of the sweets in 1941.......

The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean......................

At one time in Japan fashionable women painted their teeth black............................

Three our of four women wear the wrong size bra..................................

A butterfly had 12,000 eyes...................................

Someone opens a can of Spam every four seconds................................


  1. All of which made sense except the black teeth...

  2. LOL! Some pretty interesting facts for the day. :)

  3. I wonder what makes the Japanese fashionable women stopped painting their teeth black!

  4. When I was married, my husband did some business with the M&M/Mars company. He said it's still family owned, but for a family member to be part of the business, the person has to start at the bottom and work at all the jobs before going into management.


  5. Yes, but how often does someone open a spam e-mail?
    (The Atlantic and the Pacific are definitely not as salty as I am)

    1. I never open a spam email unless I don't know that is is spam

  6. Ha. I never knew any of those facts. And black? Really? Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) You should find some snow sometime. . . ;)


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....