Sunday 23 April 2017

Just another Sunday

Good morning all here we are on Sunday morning, well it's Sunday morning here, I have been up since 4.30am as usual and done an hour and a half of exercises, Tim will be up soon he has to go to work today he had yesterday off.

Yesterday saw both of us go out after I hung the towels on the line to dry, oh yeah just remembered yesterday after I did my morning exercises I went out to Kmart to get a yoga mat which I did get only a cheap on it was all I could afford at the moment but it is a bit softer then laying just on the floor. I also bought my self another pedometer again only a cheap one I have had dearer ones in the past but they never last any longer then the $3 ones so why bother paying more.

Anyway this morning I was using the pedometer and what did this silly woman do she reset it accidentally it was at a 1,000 steps and then the next time I looked at it, it said 201 steps so I must have reset it so I am going to have to be more careful tomorrow I want a good idea how many steps my morning workout equals. I also want to wear it when on the cruise because you seem to do a lot of walking while on the cruise.

Today Kathy and Jessica are coming over for lunch and Jessica is going to be doing the cooking, she is doing savoury mince, I just invited Natasha as Tim will be at work they are at loggerheads again over money, longish story not going into it but since he is going to work I sent her a text inviting her to lunch I doubt she will show up though.

Tim just got up so I am going to change out of my shorts as my legs are cold, back again.

I am hoping that when they are here I can get Kathy to get my clothes off the line since doing so really hurts my back, I cannot stand for very long before the pain starts to set in. I am so over all the pain and not being able to move due to pain. Yesterday was a bad day pain wise but not as bad as Friday today so far I am ok only a small amount of pain. I even managed to do some of the bending exercises with very little pain.

Here medical people ask you to rate your pain out of 10 with 10 being the worst pain you can imagine, Friday I would have given the pain about a 8, yesterday was about a 6 and this morning so far only around 4-5. My mum usually rates her pain between 7-12 most days sitting around 8-9 she is in that much pain all the time.

On Friday mum had a visit from a nurse to see if she qualified for home care assistant, some one to come in and clean her house which is what she wants as she is unable to do it any-more and she doesn't like to ask Sandra who does all the shopping and often mows the lawns and such, dad vacuums most days but cleansing the bath and changing the sheets she has get either Sandra or Sue to do for her. Anyway she does qualify so when we get back from our cruse she is hoping to have heard from someone to get that up and running.

Many years ago after mum had her stroke she had someone come in each week to clean for a few months, that woman was Mrs Simpson, who as it turns out is the grandmother of my grandsons father small world or what.

Also when mum was working back in the 90's she also did cleaning for home-care clients and now again she is in need of home-care assistant, one day the way I am going I may need it too but for now most days I cope. Although I just had to ask Tim to but my socks on for me I can do it but it is difficult and takes a while if he does it, its done much quicker.

Ok that is all from me for this post I will be back tomorrow sometime with more ramblings.   


  1. Enjoy your day and lunch. I'm having a baked dinner at home with some friends coming - roast lamb.
    Can't rate pain, have no idea how one rates pain.

    1. Yeah I have never really understood rating pain as we are all different and some have high pain thresholds and others like me have really low pain thresholds so what is a 8 for me may only be and 5 for someone else

  2. Sorry to hear you in this much pain. Feel better.

  3. I have no idea how much a pedometer will cost here. I tried my best to a least walk 3 to 4 rounds around the lake at the recreational park as my morning exercise. I hope the pain will go away soon.

    1. I have been in very little pain the last couple of days which is good

  4. I hope you feel better and can do lots of walking on your cruise. :)

    1. Yeah I am hoping I can manage to do a fair bit of walking on the cruise

  5. Do you think the exercising is helping your pain levels at all? I suffer with fibromyalgia and it does help me but my level is low compared others. Glad your mom qualifies for some home care. And yes, it is a small world. I do love hearing about connections, though. Enjoy your cruise!

    1. Yes I do think it is starting to help,the last couple of days I have been really good

  6. I use a FitBit. It can't get reset as it does that at midnight each night itself. I wear it on my wrist.I like ti too because besides being accurate it also tells me my heart rate at any given time and many other things we like to know as we work out. Be sure you have your stride length set correctly or it won't tell you the proper steps.
    Have a wonderful time on your cruise. I have never been on one.

    1. Yes I would like a FitBit, I am going to price them and tell Tim that I would like one, this will be my third cruise and I am really looking forward to it.



Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...