Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Broken Bones and Pain, My Mum Is Amazing

Hello November, hope you are going to be a great month for me and mine, if you are not will not change that it is still November that is one of those things that cannot be changed for about 30 days when November is gone.

While I was waiting for Leo to get out of school I heard these women talking and one of them said “all people brake a bone at some point” and I thought no they don't I am 53 and never had a broken bone.

Ok many people may brake a bone of two in their lives just not me, well not so far. However, there are some people who have a tendency to fall over and maybe break something. I remember when I was a teenager we (the family) were one holiday in Melbourne and while walking down Little Collins Street my mum stumbled and fell over that is the first time I can remember mum falling over since then she has fallen over a number of times.

There was the time she fell over at home and broke her wrist and when it happened dad said it wasn't broken just sprained but after a while (as in hours) the hand became swollen and she was taken to A & E and it was X rayed and she was told it was broken.

A few years later while she was at the local shops she fell over an old slap of cement that was where the old phone box was and broke her arm, she picked herself up and went into the butchers to get the mince my sister wanted and drove herself home, however, when she got home she couldn't turn the car off or pull on the handbrake and had to toot the horn to get someone to help her.

The a few years after that while out at the local shopping centre (Charlestown Square) she slipped on a grape that was on the ground and fell over again, breaking her arm and shoulder that fall resulted in her needing a complete shoulder replacement..

So mum has had both shoulders replaced has plates and pins in her arm which made the scanners beep when going through scanners when boarding the ship in May.

Neither of mums arm will straighten completely and she can not reach her her arms up above her head, she cannot peg washing on the clothes line.

She also has arthritis running down the length of her spine causing her a great deal of back pain and now she has trouble with arthritis in both of her knees and has been told she needs both knees replaced and is on the waiting list to see the specialist about that.

So I can tell you mum is on a lot of pain relief but many days it doesn't help she is in pain 24/7 and it gets her down a lot, my sister Sue goes and massages her knees some days but not as often as mum really needs it done.

I am amazed at how much mum continues to do each and every day, she still watches preschool children (aged 4) two, three or four days a week for often many hours during the day taking the same children two and from day care when needed.

My sister Sandra does a lot for mum and dad she is the one who mows the lawn and does the vacuuming and helps mum with the weekly shopping carrying things inside the house and putting the shopping away.

Out of my daughters the only one to have a broken bone was Jessica when she rode the pee wee 50 (mini motorbike) through the fence in the park she also needed stitches to her forehead.

Blain fell over while jumping off something at day care and broke his arm requiring surgery a couple of surgeries if I remember rightly he has a scare on his arm, this was the same day care that Leo went to as did Temika and now Landon, Denni and Hayley, Kathy's daughter Sydney-May also went there for a year or so. Just thought I would throw that in there. 


  1. my little brother broke my collar bone two weeks before school started my sophomore year. we'd been visiting my mom's family in utah, and while the parents were sitting around chatting and drinking their gin and tonics, my brothers, cousins and i were playing football. i was on swim team, and coach relied on me for relays and whatnot. i was pretty much out the whole season. it sucked. i have not played football since.

    1. Bloody hell that sucked footy always looks like a rough game, I say looks because I have never played the game in any way shape or form

  2. Gee your poor mum.
    I broke my collarbone when young watching the boys...
    Broke my nose at Cape Tribulation this past holiday :)

    1. The first two comments are about broken collar bones I expect that would hurt how do they treat a broken collar bone as I can't imagine it being in a cast, I know you don't put a cast on a broken nose you tape it and let it heal

  3. I'm lucky that I haven't ever broken a bone but like your mum I have continual pain in my back due to osteo arthritis

  4. I haven't yet had the "pleasure" either. Hopefully having a leg turn into a balloon a few years back makes up for it karmicallly.

    1. Yeah I can do without that "pleasure" I make sure I eat diary foods and also take a calcium and vit D tablet to keep my bones strong and healthy

  5. I finally broke a bone. My wrist as I was running after a grocery cart on an asphalt paved parking lot. The toe of my shoe caught and I fell straight-armed down. I broke the wrist on the inside of the wrist area and did severe damage to my knees as I tried to help myself. It was pretty bad. 2011 was the year.

    1. Oh that sounds painful, shopping trolleys can easy get away from us and you are not the first person to have to chase one falling over is more common as we get older or so I have been lead to believe

  6. Wow, I feel like an amateur. I've only broken an ankle.
    November is a cruel month here. One day it's in the 70s, the next we're buried under snow.

    1. A broken ankle is still a broken bone, November here we have more hot days then cold days here.

  7. Neither of my boys broke any bones. Then last year my youngest son was far away in college and called on my birthday saying "hi Mom, happy birthday, I broke my leg." Not the best birthday surprise.

    1. No not the best birthday surprise but at least you were not surprise with your own broken leg that really would have sucked.

  8. Does having a fingertip bone crushed count--LOL? I think it does. I think your mom had enough broken bones to make up for you not having any. ;)

    1. Yes it counts, I know and if only mum wasn't still suffering because of the breaks it wouldn't be as bad

  9. Sounds like you have been very lucky so far. Broken bones are just no fun at all. Hope your luck continues.

    1. Yeah I have been I take Calcium to try and keep my bones nice and strong

  10. I have one kid that broke bones all the time, and two that never did. Me, I broke my toe one time trying to beat my hubby into the bathroom as a joke. Go figure. That's what I get. ;)

    1. Yeah I think some people are more prone to break bones although I have 4 siblings and can't remember any of them having broken bones but then I might just have a bad memory

  11. I have broken bones several times as a kid. I, too had an accident on my bike and broke my leg. As an adult I haven't ever had an injury of any type.

    Your poor mom. It's amazing that she still watches small children as they take a lot of energy. If she is in pain a lot of the time that must be difficult.

    1. Yes it is difficult for her but she likes to keep busy and loves having the young ones around, she was watching little Denni this morning and came to physio with me even though it hurt her to walk and distance

  12. Bless your Mom. She sounds like a real trooper.


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