Thursday, 18 August 2016

He doesn't listen and he doesn't look but still I love him

As all know, I love Tim but sometimes he drives me crazy he doesn't think, doesn't listen and doesn't look. The other night he asked me to get something for him when I do the shopping tomorrow, so I told him to write it on the list on the fridge.

Now for the last few years I have had a shopping list note pad on the fridge but since it isn't the list I take with me I write things that we run out of on the list and Thursday night when I do the shopping list I take the sheet of paper into the lounge room where I am writing out the shopping list and add the things from it to the shopping list and cross out what has been written and using a fridge magnet I attach the sheet of paper to the fridge for future use.

So I use one sheet off the pad a number of times I write on both sides of the paper and as said I attach the sheet to the fridge with a magnet.

Now for some reason whenever Tim writes something down he uses a fresh sheet of paper doesn't matter that I have a sheet there with things written on it already he still writes on a new sheet of paper.

So the other night when I see him go to use a new sheet I walked out and said use this sheet that already has things written on it, what does he say, “oh I didn't know there was a sheet already being used” open your eyes and look Tim it is there right next to the pad you were going to write on.

If it was a new thing I was doing I would get that he may not realise but what the hell Tim I have been doing things this way for a few years. He also had the nerve to say that I never tell him what I am doing and he had no idea what all the sheets of paper were on the fridge for.

He also has a terrible habit of walking away when someone is talking to him if he isn't interested in what is being said or he tunes out and just doesn't listen then he complains that I didn't tell him something, it isn't that I didn't tell him it is that he wasn't interested so he didn't take it in.

So what I have to end this with is that love can be so annoying..................................


  1. Yes, love can be annoying--LOL! ;)

  2. Some people are just like that. But you gotta love them.

  3. I think men can be very unobservant at times. My husband can be looking in the pantry and ask where something is that is directly in front of him.

  4. You are an amazing woman... or else you'd have a LOT of dented skillets!

  5. Sad to say, I can be a bit of a muttonhead myself. Mrs. Penwasser is a saint. Or legally insane. One of those.

    1. Most wives are slightly crazy this is how we put up with men

  6. My ex-husband couldn't cooperate with any of my efforts at organization. He appreciated some of them, but he wouldn't join in the effort. Fortunately, I don't love him and don't have to put up with his passive aggressive behavior any longer.


    1. Well if that is the case then you are good not to have to deal with him anymore

  7. I think my wife would say A LOT of these same things about me...Tim sounds like a version of me! I know us husbands can be extraordinarily annoying at times. But at least it is not intentional!

  8. I always tell my husband... "You know, I could become an alcoholic and everyone would say, her husband drove her to drink" lol.... eiy-eiy-eiy... men lol

  9. That's men for you. Mine can never find anything its always," Where's the......?" My daughter made me laugh when she said,"Dad, look with your eyes not your mouth."

    1. Oh yeah men do not always look with their eyes or at least with their eyes opened


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