Monday, 29 February 2016

Viewing a body, is not for me

Ok last week I mentioned that my brother in-law passed away, last night while talking to mum she mentioned that there would be a viewing of his body today this brought up a memory of a couple of different blogs that I have read where the writer said they had viewed the body of a loved on and both bloggers said it was not something they would do again. They said that it wasn't like it is in movies or TV shows the body was kind of grey and was not how they wanted to remember their loved one.

So I put he question of Facebook and some said it was a good experience but most said it was not something they would recommend. I think a lot has to do with the funeral people, some may take more care with the body, making it look less dead and more like sleeping peacefully. I, however, would not like to view a body but that is just me.

In fact the only deceased person I have ever seen was Tim's mum, she was still in the hospital when we arrived in Sydney she had only been gone a short time.

For those who are interested my brother in-law died of a massive stroke in his sleep last Monday night, I guess that is an ok way to go, he just went to sleep and died while asleep.


  1. Sad Jo-Anne, but a good way to go.
    I have seen many a dead person in my time.
    Only two from viewing, they were my parents on separate occasions of course.
    Mum looked beautiful, with makeup on.
    Dad looked good too. Great care was taken by the Funeral people to see they looked their best, and it was a credit to them.

    1. My sister said that Mick looked great so at peace which of course made all of us happy

  2. I think it can help with closure, but these days many people are cremated and they just have small ceremonies with an urn. I've seen several dead people and it's just a part of life so it doesn't bother me.

    1. Yes Mick was cremated as are many people, mys sister said the viewing was great and she was glad she went to see him

  3. Because I am older (in my early 60s) I have lost a number of family members and friends at this point and I have gone to a number of funerals. Here they usually have open caskets so there is no avoiding seeing the body. I dread going to funerals but as a sign of respect esp. in the case of close family or best friends. Last year my very best friend died and she looked awful in the end...both when she was alive and after she died. but it was important that I be there for her final services.

    1. I have heard that in some areas it is common place, to have an open casket but not here, my sister said that Mick looked so good and so peaceful

  4. This is what I want to do:
    When I die, I want to ultimately be cremated, but first I want a viewing. Before I die (well, naturally), I will leave instructions that a kneeler-activated speaker be placed in the casket with me. So, when people kneel to (hopefully) pray, they will hear my voice, "Hey, how ya doin'? Don't I look natural?"
    What a hoot.
    When I told my sister of my plans, she was horrified. She said, "You'll give the old people heart attacks!"
    I replied, "You may not be up on current events, but WE'RE the old people now."
    I may be a pessimist, but I doubt my family will go through on this plan.

    1. Damn you're funny, and yeah could give some people a heart attach and not just the old, Tim was telling me that one of his regulars had a heart attack and died last week and she was only 26.

  5. I knew Al would be here with that kneeler gag, I just knew it...

    Anyway, I don't blame you. My sister and I were just talking about how neither one of us are into the funeral thing any more. Just pour me in a bucket and go have a drink in my name.

    1. "pour you in a bucket" that is disturbing, as I say when I die they can do whatever you want with my body as I will be dead and won't know what is happening nor would I care

  6. Death, any way you look at it is difficult. I was fifteen when i saw my first dead person, which unfortunately was my dad. I was with him as he was dying (was in a horrible auto accident), but was shocked when I saw him at the funeral. It was a horrible experience, very painful, as all deaths are. But having gone to my Mom's funeral when i was pregnant with my son was in a way worse. She told us long before she was even sick that when she died she wanted a closed casket burial. She said she wanted each person to be able to remember her the way she was when they last saw her. Though I respected her wishes not being able to see her as I did my dad, made it harder to believe she was really dead, though I knew she was. It took a lot longer to work through the grieving process. Since then I have been to many funerals. I don't like looking death in the face, but in my case it seemed easier to cope with. Sorry for your loss. truly! Blessings.


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