Thursday, 11 February 2016


Many years ago I took my grandparents for granted, they were always there, I spent a fair amount of time with them as a child, in fact just after I was born my parents lived with mum's parents for a few months. 

Of course you all know that I try and go to see my nanna each week, she will be 95 this year and even though I love her and like going to see her, it would be a blessing if she passed away as she has no life she just exists from day to day. 

It wasn't till I became a grandparent that I realised how wonderful it is to have grandchildren, I love all 4 of mine the same and different at the same time. As most will know I now have my eldest grandson Blain living here with me and pappa (Tim) and of course his mum. 

So this is a post for grandparents.


  1. Dear Jo-Anne, I completely understand what you mean when you say your grandmother is existing day by day. I was lucky to visit my grandma in the nursing home daily. The residents and her were well looked after and comfortable but they were just existing day by day until the end of their lives. So sad. I lived with my son at my parents when he was a baby. Mum loved having a baby in the house and she was so much help to me as a new mum. grandparents are the best!Have a great day. Karen

    1. Yeah when Leo was a baby Jessica lived here for a bit to have my help and Kathy-Lee came home for a month or so after she had Sydney-May so she could have my help also. I loved it

  2. Thank you I wish I could see more of mine but at least they are in the same country now. Fox started school this year.

    1. I hope Fox is settling into school, I know I am lucky that I get to see my grandchildren weekly

  3. I'm not there yet, but I'm looking forward to having grandkids.

  4. And a great Grandmother you are!

  5. I never thought I would be a grandmother. It has blown my heart to bits. In a good way. :) :)

  6. Your grandmother Jo-Anne - I do know what you mean having seen many people like your dear grandmother, we just wonder why are they like that. Sad really, but that is life.

    Never thought I would be a grandmother of 5, but there you go, life is full of surprises.

    1. Yes it is life and it is so sad when you see people just existing day to day. I would love to have more grandchildren

  7. My grandparents were very special to me. I miss them so much.


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