Sunday, 18 October 2015

A little about me

On the first day of the school year this year, I noticed my right hand shaking a little as I left the school after dropping off Leo, however, when I got my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the car it stopped and I thought no more about it. However, over the next month I notice it happened more and more and was worse when I was upset or distressed because Leo was clinging to me and didn't want me to leave him.

Around March I noticed that while I was using the computer and had my hand on the mouse that it felt like it was trembling although it didn't look like it was moving it was more internal then external. I mentioned it to Dr Ben Nicholas at Smith Street Medical Centre but he didn't think it was anything to worry about.

By April my daughters started to notice my hand shaking at times, so in May I went and saw Dr Rod Watson also at Smith Street Medical Centre and he examined me and said it wasn't anything to worry about but if it got worse to go back. When he had me walk up and down the hand shook and I stumbled twice.

Speaking of my stumbling well that in fact started last year, many times when I walk I stumble it is if I don't pick my feet up while I am walking or at times it feels like I stand in something sticky and this causes me to stumble, I have not at this stage fallen over I just stumble a bit.

In June I was notified that I had lost my pension and since I would have to pay to see a doctor at Smith Street Medical Centre I decided to find a bulk billing doctor which is why I went to see Dr Zain Ul-Albadin at Mt Hutton Medical Practice at my first visit he noticed my hand shaking all the time and asked about it, I explained that it started at the start of the year and has gotten worse over time. By this time it wasn't just shaking, my arm was stiff and sore and aches all the time and it will be worse when I am upset or distressed or tired. So he decided to refer me to see a specialist as he said it was obvious that the tremor was getting worse and there would be a bit of a wait to see a specialist so best get referred.

I go for a walk each morning and the hand shakes the whole time I am walking and I will often stumble while walking and it isn't uncommon for me to start to feel tired and exhausted 30 minutes into the walk and this makes me stumble some days I end up walking as if I am drunk this goes away once I get home and can rest for a bit.

When I stand after sitting for a while or when I get up in the morning I have to stand still for a few moments to gain my balance otherwise I will stumble when I try to move.

In July I notice that my right thigh would tremble although it isn't obvious it is more an internal tremor at this stage and has since July only happened about 8-10 times each time it lasts only a few minutes.

Also around July I noticed that my right hand would shake while I am driving as I grip the steering wheel my hand while move, in September I noticed that some nights while writing in my diary my hand will shake and it is hard to write I have given up a few times because my hand is shaking so much. 


  1. I'm concerned about you Jo-Anne. I don't know if you take any medications, but I used to take one that made my hands shake. Perhaps you should take a cane when you go out walking, just to be on the safe side.


    1. All the medication I take I have taken for years and the doctor (GP) doesn't think my medication has anything to do with it

  2. Agree with Janie. Don't let crap go! If I had, I'd have had a stroke by now.

    1. I take care of myself the best I can and will report more when I see the specialist next month

  3. Yes! I'm glad you're seeing a specialist. Can't let it go any more. You are in my prayers. hugs

    1. Thank you, I will let people know what the specialist say

  4. I hope this problem can get sorted. Doesn't sound good.

  5. I hope and pray they figure out what is going on with you. Gentle hugs. Please keep us posted.

  6. So, what did the specialist have to say? Or, have you seen him/her yet? Keep us posted!

    1. I see the specialist on the 26th November and I will let all know what is said

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Good luck on the 26th. A shame that you have to wait that long....

  8. I am sorry to hear this and sad to hear it is going to take you a while to get an answer as to what is going on. hopefully it is something they can help


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