Thursday, 8 October 2015

Hello Thursday

Hello Thursday, I for some reason didn't get around to posting anything yesterday, why, well maybe because it was Wednesday and mum and I went to the nursing home although we went to a different nursing home. Instead of going to see nan as we do each Wednesday we went to see my Aunty Pat instead, in fact mum and I have decided that on the first Wednesday of the month we will go and see Aunty Pat.

Aunty Pat is my dad's sister his older sister by a year she is 74, dad will be 73 next week, I would like to say that Aunty Pat is well and all with it but that is not the case, her memory is going she asked as many times the same question over and over but neither mum or myself were bothered by this we just answered her as if it was the first time she had asked the question.

When mum was talking to dad about Aunty Pat she mentioned that she had put on a bit of weight I don't remember Aunty Pat as being a large woman at all when I was a child but that is not the case any more, well what did dad say, he asked if she was a “fat” as mum or as “fat” as me, mum told him the truth she would be larger then either of us. Dad was shocked and asked if mum was sure of course she is sure.

Neither mum or I take much stock about how large a person is we are more concerned with what type of person someone is, not the size of the person's clothes. I get really annoyed when my dad calls mum fat, I also don't like it when he calls me fat and many times mum and I have thought that is the pot calling the kettle black, dad has often complained that his shirts do not do up as well as they use to.

When Tim has said something about my size I have mentioned to him that I have gone up about 3 sizes in pants he has gone up 6 or 7 sizes in pants since we have been together and that will shut him up pretty damn quick.

Oh yeah this morning Jessica turned up with Natasha to pick up Blain, I do not remember her telling me she would be taking Leo to school and picking him up this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon as well, she said she did tell me but I really don't remember. What I do know is that Blain will be happy that we don't have to get Leo this afternoon as each afternoon he says when he gets in the car do we have to get Leo and when I say yes he gets a bit pissy.

Mum was telling me last night that Dawson has swimming at school and he has to attend and what did Dawson say when he found out, “don't want to go” mum had to explain to him he has to go he has no say in the matter, it is part of the curriculum so he has to do it. Both mum and I feel if he gives it a go he may in fact enjoy himself.

Ok that's all for this post I am off to the library to return a book and borrow something else.  


  1. Hi, dear Jo-Anne! Looks like it's already Thursday afternoon in your part of the world. Do you realize that your Aunty Pat is only 8 years older than Shady and your dad is only 7 years older? Yessum, I'm getting up there in age and I often worry about losing my memory. Luckily I wrote down a lot of stuff decades ago so that I wouldn't forget and it often serves as fodder for blog posts. It's nice of you and your mum to set aside the first Wednesday of every month to visit your Aunty Pat in the nursing home. I know she appreciates the time you spend with her.

    1. Gee, that's funny. Shady just said on my blog he was 48 in 1967... ;)

    2. Mum and I enjoy visiting those relatives in nursing homes as for Shady who really knows how old he is I am sure he often forgets how old he is just saying as those in the high double figures do forget how old they are often but I am only guessing as I am only in the mid double figures of age

  2. I'm sorry about Aunty Pat. It bothers me when people describe someone as fat. It's a prejudice, and it has nothing to do with who the person is. I gained weight during the last couple of years of my marriage. My husband went on and on about it although he was about 150 pounds overweight. I am better off without him.


    1. Yeah my daughters are trying to instill in their children that "fat" is not a nice word to describe people

  3. I had to chuckle as to how you get your hubby to shut up about that--LOL! Why is it that men don't ever see what they look like? LOL!
    Have a great Thursday. It's still Wednesday night here. ;)

    1. Yeah men have a habit of thinking they have stayed the same size when the women in their lives have become larger when the truth is they often have become just as large if not larger then their wife

  4. It always interesting reading a day in the life of Joanne

    1. Why thank you my life isn't that interesting although it is often busy

  5. Lovely of you to visit your relatives each Wednesday....not all people do visit the sick and elderly...some people can't take it, seeing their loved ones not so well.

    1. Yes we have some family members who say they don't know like to visit nan or Aunty Pat because they don't like to see them how they are now

  6. Dear Jo-Anne, it seems to me that the word "fat" has become almost a curse word--something like the four-letter "f" word that so many people us. To call someone "Fat" is now almost the ultimate insult. I just wish we could all accept one another as we are and as they are. What a difference life would be then. Peace.

    1. Yes I would love it if we could all accept each other for who we are regardless of how we look on the outside, I am a large and lovely woman being large just means there is more of me to love


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