Monday, 12 October 2015

Are you into sport/are you children into sport/no then that is ok

Hello everyone guess what this week I have a topic to write about after a week or so of boring dribble about my life but today while I was out running around doing stuff for Jessica and listening to Michael J Fox's book Looking Up a topic came to me for this mornings post.

So what am I going to write about, sport, that's what......................

I am not a sports person never have been didn't play sport as a child hated P E at school, hated sport at school, in fact while at high school when I had to do sport I would pick Community Service as my first choice, followed by board games as my second choice and lastly I would put netball only because I had to have three choices and there was nothing else to pick that I would prefer, in fact I remember one year writing on the form can't I pick reading in the library as a third choice as I do not like sport.

My parents accepted that I was not a sport person, my siblings were more into sport except for my sister Sue I don't think she was into sport either but then Sue and I are so much alike that it doesn't surprise me that like me she didn't like sport.

As you all know I have three wonderful daughters, and none of them have been into sport as a child or as an adult, this has always been ok with me I accepted that they didn't like sport and I didn't force any of them to take part in sporting stuff.

At school they all like me picked things that didn't involve physical activity they had no interest in after school sports and that was ok, in fact two out of three daughters preferred to read just like their mum.

Now I remember my cousins having to play sports of a weekend and after school whether they wanted to do it or not, I remember one of my cousins saying that they would have preferred not to do sport but their mum said they had to, I just can't remember which cousin it was who said it.

My daughters would also go through stages when they wanted to be outside playing with friends and other stages when they preferred to be inside reading or watching telly instead for the most part I was ok with that. Yes there were times when I would have preferred them to be outside playing and be under foot at home.

So are you a sport person?

Do your children play sport?

Do they like playing sport?

I have never understand why some parents feel they need to force sport on a child, not all people are into sport that is ok we are all different, I would tell those parents to love their child for who the child is they may not be into all the things you are but they are still special in their own way.


  1. I never played sports and don't watch sports, either. My son, with his heart problems, just played golf and bowled. Sports is made too much a big deal of, I think, and kids can be pressured into participating.

    1. Yes I agree too many children are forced into it when they are not interested and there is nothing wrong with not being interested it isn't for everyone

  2. My children played sport when young. Not now do they.
    I used to but found it not satisfying for me so I did ballet and other types of dancing...

  3. In school definitely not. I hated it. As an adult and not forced to participate I did do some sports. My sons didn't like it at school either and still don't except my teacher son likes to play volley ball.

    1. Yes I think if we are not forced to do something we may indeed take to it, although not me and sport but other stuff maybe

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    No, both of us are not a sports person. We like to swim, walk and bike and that's it. No high risk, crazy things and thank goodness, both of our girls are playing it safe as well!
    Sport often does become an over the top 'religion'!

    1. It so does, my youngest sister and brother played soccer as children and liked it for a while but out grew it and our parents never forced us to do something we didn't want to do

  5. My family watched a lot of sports on TV, but were never rabid fans (Except for Mom and golf, especially Lee Trevino). My siblings had their teams, but none were ever forced on us. KC is a nut like me, and loves to go to games.

    1. My parents love to watch the footy on telly, mum said she would prefer to watch at home over going to the game as at home she can get up and go to the toilet when needed and find food that doesn't cost and arm and a leg to buy


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