Monday, 8 June 2015

Just another Monday

It is 10.30am on Monday morning, it is a public holiday here (Queens Birthday) and I woke up tired this morning first time I have done that in a long time but still I was up at 7.30am because I was worried if I stayed in bed I would be the one that Sunrise would ring to win the money but of course they DIDN'T ring me.

We will be having Leo here tonight, and since Tim is on night work this week it will be just me and Leo and for the rest of the week it will be me and Blain.

Yesterday the girls came over for breakfast and Tim was here as well and have to say he liked that I did breakfast he said he really enjoyed it but would have liked it if I had some little sausages can't remember what they are called but I couldn't find them when I was doing the shopping as per usual when I want them they are not around when I don't want them I see them all the time in the supermarket.

Mum was telling me that my dad is so frustrating at times, he has been complaining about the mould on the kitchen ceiling and yes mum knows it isn't good and should be removed but she can't do it and truthfully dad can't either. Dad has a habit of saying that Dave (my brother) should go over and do it but truth is that Dave is busy he works and has his own home and family to take care of. Anyway yesterday dad said he was going to get up and clean the ceiling himself, mum told him if he did that he would be in hospital by nightfall as he is in no condition to get up and clean the ceiling with Exit Mould. Dad has many health problems and even if he didn't fall off the ladder he would still end up having trouble breathing and very well might end up in hospital. If they had the money mum would pay someone to come and clean the ceiling but the can't afford it so they just have to wait till someone has the time to go and do it.

I don't have much news today, mostly because I am so tired and my brain isn't working very well so I am just going to leave it here for this post.  


  1. Could everyone go together and help with some money toward hiring somebody to come in? They will get sick with that mould. I know you know that. Maybe an estimate can be gotten and then see f everyone contributing a bit won't do the job?

    Blain is such a cutie.

    1. I will suggest that to my siblings it is a good idea and yes he is indeed

  2. Mold can be very dangerous - you might want to have someone check it out. 😐

    1. Yes it can be and I would love to be able to have someone remove it

  3. Yes mould can be a killer especially not good with people who have breathing problems...

  4. Queen's Birthday, huh? Wish we got that. Damn revolution anyway...

    1. You also don't have the Queen's Birthday Honour's List

  5. Men have a hard time accepting that they cannot do physical labor any more like your Dad.It would be very dangerous for him to be on a ladder at his age.

  6. Hi Jo-Anne! I hope that everything works out for your parents! It sounds as though things are going pretty well for you! Happy Monday! :-)


Swift Fox

This weeks’ fox is the swift fox. The swift fox is a small light orange-tan fox around the size of a domestic cat found in the western gra...