Saturday, 27 June 2015

How to waste a dozen eggs

Ok all I have to offer this Saturday afternoon, is how to waste a dozen eggs..............

You break a dozen eggs into a large bowl add some double cream and some sour cream and take a stick blender and proceed to beat eggs and then remember you forgot the Parmesan cheese so turn to get it from the fridge and leave stick blender in bowl.

Blender falls over tipping the whole thing over the bench and kitchen floor......................

Yell to someone to get towels, proceed to clean up and send husband to the shops for another dozen eggs while you clean up the bench and the floor, included having to move the microwave to clean under and behind it where the egg has run to.

Throw all the towels in the washing machine and wash them 


  1. Jo-Anne !!!!!
    Seems that you have had just one of those days????
    Maybe you should have gone back to bed - slept with the
    help of something soothing - got up and started again???
    Then again maybe just stayed in bed???

    I hope tomorrow is better - couldn't be worse, could it?
    PS: Hope I don't have kitchen nightmares tonight.

    1. Yeah it was a right mess and I felt like I could have gone back to bed and started the day over but no time to do that

  2. Oh my goodness, what a mess. At least eggs are not expensive..

    1. I know I don't buy the expensive eggs as we go through a lot of them

  3. Ooops... Scrappy would have volunteered to help....

    1. Yes an opps moment if I still had dogs they would had made short work of the mess

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    That would amount to a PERFECT MESS!

  5. So, other than that, how's your Saturday been?

  6. Jo-Anne, tonight I broke the key fob that turns the alarm in my house on and off. I was quite distraught. I had dropped it eight or ten times and had always put it together again. Now it is no more. The company is sending me a new one. Plus, I bought an extra in case of an emergency. I break things and spill things all the time. I always have big bruises because I run into things that shouldn't be where they are, like the chair that's been in the same place for three years.


    1. My legs are covered in bruises as well as I have a habit of hit them with car doors and of course if it is possible to slip over I will do so..............

  7. And I thought I had a bad day! Ever think of a motion operated cam corder to catch those "magic" moments?

    1. Oh yeah it would have made a nice funny pic, Tim did say if only he had a camera handy

    2. I think I'm going to pass on this recipe :)


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