Saturday, 15 February 2014

Happy Birthday to my darling daughter Natasha

It was 11pm on the 14th of February 1987 when Tim & I received the best Valentine's Day present ever and decided that there would never be a better present what did we get well it was a baby girl Natasha Nicolle weighing 7lb 13oz.

My biggest baby is my smallest daughter, she is my middle child and like many middle children she was always the peacemaker in the family, if you were to go to this page and read about middle child syndrome it would be Natasha to a tee.

Natasha was our rebellious child and gave both me and Tim many sleepless nights worrying about her, in fact when she was a teenager both of us thought it would me good is she was to fall pregnant because we thought it would make her settle down and give her a reason to sensible. Guess what we were right, when she fell pregnant with Blain she did in fact really settle down and it gave her a reason to live.

When she was only 16 she thought she knew it all and wanted to move out with some friends it wasn't what I wanted her to do but I knew her well enough to know that she had to learn the hard way that it was a mistake, so we let her move out she was only gone around 4 or 6 weeks. In fact she rang me one afternoon in tears asking if her dad could go straight down and move her home that day, and of course he did.

I wish I could say that was the end of her rebellious behaviour but that would be a lie she later got mixed up with the wrong people and caused me so much worry, I would often lay in bed and pray that she would return home safe. One night I laid in bed and prayed that God would send someone to rescue her and get her away from those who I feared would harm her, maybe even end up killing her, yes I was that worried about her. The following week Jono walked back into her life and he was the answer to my prayers.

Natasha and Jono have one child Blain who is now 8 years old and he is the best thing she has done with her life so far.

Since Jono there have been a couple of “waste of space” boyfriends but as I have mentioned Natasha is someone who has to learn the hard way, she cannot be told that a person is wrong for her, I have always treated the men in her life with respect because they are who she chooses to be with at that time in her life.

I know Natasha would love to have more children and I think it would be wonderful if she did, but she wants to find the right man first but when that will happen I don't know. What I do know is that I love her, for who she is yes she has faults but she is still my darling daughter and I am there/here for her whenever she needs me.

I support her and her decisions even if I do not agree with them, because I love her and I am mostly proud of the woman she has grown into.

So Happy Birthday my darling daughter Natasha Nicolle, aka. Nicky Nat by her pop


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  2. What a nice tribute to your daughter. Happy birthday to Natasha!

  3. Birthday wishes to her. May she not regret her choices when she's our age.

    1. Thank you I also hope she has no regrets as she ages

  4. Happy Birthday to your Natasha (pretty name) I also have a middle son (Foodie) who fits that description to a T.

    1. Thank you a pretty name for a pretty girl, in my
      It is good when they grow into amazing people

  5. Happy Birthday to your Natasha..(a day late) She is quite pretty. It's sometimes hard being a parent and watching our kids make mistakes but then they all make mistakes. Part of growing up, I guess.

    1. Yes most children make mistakes, I was going to say all but I can't think of any that my youngest has made at the moment

  6. Happy Birthday to Natasha!!


  7. She's beautiful. Happy Birthday, Natasha!


    1. Thank you I think she is beautiful but then I am her

  8. Many happy returns of the day to your beautiful daughter!


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