Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Let's talk today about footwear, or maybe the lack of footwear.

Do you wear shoes while at home?

Do you wear shoes when going out to the shops or to a restaurant?

Me I don't wear shoes at all when I am at home, the first thing I do when I walk into the house is take my shoes off.

During summer I wear thongs...........aka........flip flops........all the time I have a house pair which are cheap $3 rubber thongs and a better looking black pair that I wear when I go out and I of course have a pair with a nice heel to wear when I go shopping.

Recently I have been noticing other people's feet when I am out and it amazes me the amount of women who go out wearing cheap rubber type thongs, I can't help but think why don't they pay a few extra dollars and get a nice looking pair to wear out.

My niece Kelli doesn't wear shoes at all and I mean at all doesn't matter were we go she always goes barefoot. Now we have never been to a restaurant with her but it wouldn't surprise me if we did she would go barefoot, I don't know if she even owns a pair of shoes, she says she does but I haven't seen them.

I can't walk out of the house without shoes one, even if I am only just stepping outside for a couple of minutes.

Now my feet sweat a lot and I mean a lot when I wear sandals I have to wear knee high stockings or pantyhose because of how much they sweat, if I was barefoot my feet would sweat so much that my feet would move and rub and I would end up with blisters due to the sweating.

Tim has a problem with what he calls a double standard, by that I mean when we go to the club they have a sign out the front saying men can't wear thongs but women can wear nice thongs with a slight heel also known as thong sandals. I agree with him there is a double standard but it is just the way it is.

Do you make your babies and toddlers wear shoes?

When my girls were babies and toddlers I didn't bother with shoes most of the time, I couldn't see the point they would often take the shoes off 5 minutes after I put them on.

I think it is strange that my daughter Natasha wears shoes and socks around the house all year round, she also makes her son Blain wear shoes and socks while in the house. When he comes here I tell him while in the house he doesn't need his shoes on. Leo doesn't wear shoes around the house unless he has been out and has shoes on, meaning when he gets home he doesn't think to take his shoes off but when he gets up of a morning he doesn't put shoes on unless he is going out and his mum tells him to wear shoes.


  1. I wear slippers around the house. I never go outside with bare feet. I have a dazzling array of shoes, sandals, and boots.


    1. Yes I use to wear slippers around the house in the colder months but the last couple of years I have worn socks instead

  2. We all wear slippers in the house. Shoes,socks come off at the door and we wear slippers. Going barefoot outside here would quickly have your feet covered in mud and horse dung. We have lots of shoes and boots here but none get past the door. its pretty much the norm here to lose the shoes when you get in and generally when visiting shoes come off. Its considered rude here to walk into someones house in shoes.Many people take their slippers to wear.

    1. Yes I get that many people take their shoes off and leave them at the front door and instead slip on slippers for inside the house wear. I use to wear slippers during the cold months but not last winter not sure what I will do next winter

  3. I ALWAYS wear shoes in the house and that drives Mrs. Penwasser crazy. Even though I see her point, I just don't like to walk around barefoot or in stocking feet. I think I have this phobia about stubbing my toe. Or maybe someone seeing my icky toe fungus. Either way...

    1. Toe fungus.............yuck..............lol
      I have kicked my toe many times and it is bloody sore when it happens and I than jump around and swear a bit..........not nice.

  4. I should have mentioned the exception. When we lived in Iceland, nobody EVER wore shoes in the house. In fact, people even took their shoes off at places like the doctor's office. It had to do with all the muck, mire, and lava rock dust. I bought a pair of slip-on shoes which I slipped off whenever we went visiting. BUt, I kept my socks on. Toe fungus, dontcha know.

    1. I can't imagine taking my shoes off at the doctors surgery although there have been times when I have been out shopping and my feet are hurting due to the shoes I am wearing and I have taken my shoes off and wandered around in my stocking feet instead

  5. Shoes only when necessary. With sensitive feet, though, that means they're on outside more often than not.

    1. It would be rare for me to go outside without shoes and when I do you'll hear me say........"no shoes no shoes" as I jump around

  6. Interesting post and it sure opened up my thought process about fungus, feet and shoes. It's funny too, because we were just talking about feet and shoes an hour or so ago.

    I go barefooted in the house during the summer. Sandals otherwise. Flip flops don't fit me right. I used to love the Tatami zori sandals but they are hard to find. For fungus, it's good to walk on the beach. The sand and water helps fungus, like athletes foot. - Just saying :-)

    1. Should I thank you for saying an interesting post, yeah I should I am glad it made you think, My mum doesn't wear thongs she says they fell strange and uncomfortable. I didn't know about the sand and water helping fungus but then I don't have foot fungus

  7. I don't wear shoes at home, only socks. Too cold to go barefoot in the winter because the tile floor feels like ice. I don't think I have ever owned flip-flops. We'd only be able to wear them such a short amount of time in a year--LOL! But I have seen people wear them in the summer. But--shoes off as soon as we come in--at my place or at Dagan & Leah's.

    1. I also prefer socks in the winter months they can be washed and don't get smell like some slippers. My mum doesn't wear thongs except when we would go away and stay in a caravan park she would wear a pair in the shower, because we all know not to go barefoot in a caravan park shower unless you wish to end up with tinea also know as Athlete's foot

  8. Nice post. I too don't wear shoes in house even by kids. Here it is not too cold to wear them inside the house. Many old peoples wear them to get rid of from leg pain. If we walk with our barefoot in house we will get strength for our leg. If we wear shoes always we will not walk even a single step without them.

    1. Yes my dad will wear shoes all the time as he says it helps the pain in his feet and legs, but mum she is like me prefers to wear no shoes when she is at home.

  9. My feet perspire like your Jo-Anne, so I wear sandals inside and out.
    I won't take them off when visiting other peoples homes...I had to, I wouldn't visit. Of course if I have dirty footwear then only would I take them off.

    1. Yeah I do not like the idea of taking my shoes off when I visit someone's house but thankfully I don't know anyone who insists no shoes in the house.

  10. Love the Aussie flip flops! I don't wear shoes in the house unless it's winter and my feet get cold even with socks on. It's rare. I think I have the hottest feet in the world. In the summer I usually don't wear shoes outside if I'm in our own yard. Otherwise it's flip flops. I do own some other shoes, but most of my shoes are some kind of sandal.

    1. Yes I will get cold feet during winter which is why I wear winter socks, also known as bed socks, they are thicker than normal socks and I have had the odd time when I have even put my joggers on but it very rare as I just don't like shoes on while I am home.

  11. We never wear shoes in the house. And I agree that ladies should wear pretty flip flops unless they're poolside.

    There is a rather famous pediatrician here in Alabama, and he says that children shouldn't wear shoes until they're five years old. You can tell the children who see him because they don't wear shoes! Even in winter! So funny.

    1. Yes I have heard that about children not wearing shoes till they are 5 and in fact I never made my girls wear shoes unless we were going out. Yes you can buy nice looking thongs for only a few dollars more than the real cheap ones so why not

  12. In the warm weather months I don't wear shoes of any kind in the house but in the winter months I wear socks or slipper socks. I, also, wear flip flops in the summer. Same as you..cheap ones around the house, nice ones when I go places.

    I don't have sweating problems but I do have a arthritic toe joint that gives me pain in a lot of different types of shoes. I broke my foot as a kid and it just didn't heal right. So I wear very comfortable flats most of the time.

    1. You are lucky sweating feet are so annoying there are days when they sweat so much that my thongs slip and slide on my feet. I can't wear flat shoes they make my legs ache .

  13. High five! I'm a barefoot girl, too!


Week 8 of 2025

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