Sunday, 5 January 2014

What makes a bad father

Word of the day.........Melaena - abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood (usually from gastrointestinal bleeding)

Last week my brother had to go A & E as he had diarrhoea for over a week and started to notice a bit of blood as well. He was at  A & E  for hours and a heap of tests done and sent home with no real answer and told to see his GP the following day. Well he did go and see the GP but I don't what was said, what I do know is that he is much better and even took Dawson fishing on Friday. 

Speaking of David makes me think of fathers some are great, some are average and some are terrible, really waste of space as fathers. 

Everyone who knows me know that I consider fathers important to children but sometimes a child may be better off without a father in their life.

 If a man is a drug addict or a violent alcoholic then the child may be better off not having them around. I know some might think I am wrong and feel that all fathers have a right to be in a childs life but I disagree.

If a child is abused by a parent than that parent shouldn't be around the child and I feel that if a person is a drug addict or a violent alcoholic they are most likely abusive to their children. Of course a person doesn't have to do drugs or drink in order to abuse their child, there are many abusive parents out there that just bash their child for no bloody reason at all. 

My brother David is one of the fantastic fathers around, he has always been a hands on father and everyone who knows him, know how much he loves his children and loves spending time with them and doing stuff with them. 

Sitting here thinking I can't think of any father I know of who is a bad father, my dad is amazing, Tim is also a bloody amazing father, my brother in-law Ed is also a great father, Kelli will tell you she thinks her dad is awesome and Jono (Blain & Daemon's) father is pretty great as well, he must be good even Leo likes to call him dad.

So what do others think, do  you think drug addicts and violent alcoholics make good fathers?


  1. This is a great post. I don't think drug addicts and violent alcoholics make good fathers!!

    1. Thank you good to know I am not the only one who thinks they make bad fathers

  2. I love this post and the words you have written. I also love the little poem, What Is A Dad?. I certainly don't think that drug addicts and violent alcoholics could possibly make good fathers. In those cases, the mother would be better off on her own.

    1. Thank you, I like the poem when I came across it, yes sometimes the mother is better off alone

  3. And this is why I left my son's birth father when I was pregnant and never saw him again. He was an alcoholic and didn't care about the kids he already had!

    1. I think it is sad that some girls think they should stay with a man who isn't going to treat their child right, your son was lucky he had you and later Rich

  4. There are many people completely unsuited to parenting for a variety of reasons. But it's only when we - as a society - actually put children's needs first that this will be resolved.

    1. Yes society needs to really do more to protect children from bad parents

  5. Sad to say, my father was a bad father.
    And, good thing I ate before I read this. ;-)

    1. That is sad about your father, Tim had a terrible father too..........

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    What was first? If they already were an addict before their child was being conceived than WHY take the risk for bringing any child into such an environment?! Any woman has a responsibility for herself and a future child and she can decide whether or not to get pregnant from such a bad husband.
    To me a bad father is any father who walks away from his own blood, abandoning them without ever paying for education or whatsoever. That to me is one of the biggest crimes there are. Cowards and let's hope that in the end, they get to pay the price for it when meeting their Creator.
    Wishing all those women in the world, facing such challenges the very best!

    1. I agree with that men who do not take responsibility for their children are bad fathers, I also do not get why some women chose to have children with men they know have problems unless they are silly enough to think having a child would change them

  7. I am glad your brother is okay. And that he is a wonderful father. sandie

    1. Thanks he is doing much better and I think one reason he is a great father is he learnt from the best


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