Thursday, 16 January 2014

Computers and Pepsi Max don't mix, so it seems, but it's all good now, breathe a sigh of relief

Good morning all, yesterday I had a little drama here, Summer managed to spill a little bit of Pepsi Max on my laptop all was cleaned up and everything seemed ok, while I was moping up the drink Summer and Daemon started bashing on the keyboard I didn't worry much about that either.

However that wasn't the case for some reason every time I hit the a key it opened up a help page, when I hit f I got 6f instead and n gave me 8n all this was frustrating I thought that when the little ones were bashing on the keyboard they somehow changed the settings so I thought it would be an easy fix.

I ended up calling an “IT”guy (Michael) to come and look at it, thankfully he was just around the corner anyway he was unable to fix it and said it looked like a hardware problem and that the keys were somehow stuck together underneath. Well I told Tim what was said and he said maybe it is time for a new computer, however later in the afternoon the keys must had dry out and it started working normally again.

So the reason there was no post yesterday from me is because I had computer problems most of the day.

Anyway yesterday I went to see nan with mum and we had Kayla with us for a change it is the first time that Kayla has come with us, she was spending the day with nan & pop Jenkins. Liarna we dropped at day care before going to the nursing home, Kayla worked out that nan had in total 9 places to visit during the morning when you add it up like that it sounds like a lot of running around.

I can tell you I am glad that my computer is working normally again, I didn't look forward to having to get a new one, this one is only 4 years old. Yesterday I read and commented on a few blogs using the on-screen keyboard it was the first time I had used that and found it very handy.

Well that is all for today's post as it is Thursday I have Summer again and have to say it is not so easy to spend time blogging when I have a little one wanting my attention.  


  1. I hope you never have such a problem again, but if you do, I've read that rice will soak up the moisture in a keyboard.


  2. Yeah I know about rice just didn't think about it at the time

  3. We are having computer issues here as well. The charger port is broken on Oldest's 1 1/2 year old laptop. I would like to upgrade mine, so getting me a new one and passing down mine to him seems like a viable option, but still... there are SO many other things I'd like to do with that money.

    1. I know what you mean sometimes we want to do one thing and then think about what else we could do with the money so it is something we have to really think about before we do it

  4. Okay girl - water and electricity don't mix! lol

  5. Oh gosh, Jo-Anne..glad the keyboard is working.
    I once spilt tea on my keyboard and had to get a new one.

    1. Yes I was sure I was going to have to get a new laptop

  6. Thank goodness it fixed itself somehow!
    What a panic to think you'd need to replace it.

    1. I was so sure Tim would go off his head about it, so it was nice when he was ok and didn't get angry

  7. Even one drop of liquid on a keyboard is a scary thing! I'm glad yours dried out and still works!

    1. It is indeed, I was surprised it dried out and worked ok

  8. Oh, nos! You are a lucky duck that you computer works at all after the spillage. So happy everything's back to normal!

    1. Yes I am and I know it, it could had been pretty bad

  9. Computer problems make me crazy. I have a new laptop but continue to use my desktop because learning new software is also a bite. Windows 8 is making me a crazy woman.

    1. Yes learning how new software works is a pain at times

  10. Glad it's working again. Honestly, I wouldn't let kids near mine! Off limits! ;)

    1. Thanks me too, I do try to keep the little ones away from it

  11. if you drank Coke instead of Pepsi, you wouldn't have had that problem. ;)



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