Tuesday, 26 November 2013

You are not a failure.....................Mummy loves you

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it who you think you’re not.
Judging yourself is not the same as being honest with yourself.  Don't sell yourself short!  You are capable of great things.  And don't ever let someone else make you feel like you're not good enough.  If they can't see how amazing you are, then they're the one who’s not good enough for you.  Their approval is not needed.

Searching this morning for something to write about I came across this and this made me think of my special girl and how she is feeling like a failure at this time in her life.

This morning I received a text that she sent to me last night in which she says she feels pathetic because she has no job, no qualifications, she doesn't even have a resume and doesn't know how to go about writing one that will make people want to hire her for a job.   

I don't know what to say or do to make her feel better about herself, is there anything I can say, in some ways I feel that this is something she has to do for herself my words sound empty and pointless.

How does one help someone feel better about themselves?

If you know tell me please, since all my words of support fall on deaf ears and leave me feeling sad and terrible for not being able to help.

I know that a person has to be responsible for their own happiness and self-worth but when a person is really beating themselves up about all the things they can't do how does a love one help.

I really don't expect any answers from anyone I am just saying how I feel, how as here mum I hate hearing and seeing her so down and feeling like a pathetic failure which I do not think she is. I can say to the cows come home that she is not these things but I can't make her believe me.


  1. The only thing that will help her is her going out and doing something positive. The only thing you can do is be supportive when she does it.

    1. Yeah I know, her sister has taken her out so they can have a chat just the two of them while I watch the grandkids

  2. I often feel disappointed in myself. Spending time with the people I love helps me. Sometimes a college or university offers a free service to help with resumes and job searches.


    1. Yes I suggested she get help with a resume but her sister took all the information and will get her partner to turn it into a resume

  3. I do hope she finds some good things to plant her feet on, and soon. It's terrific she has such great family support~

    1. That is one thing she does have family support, even her nanna (my mum) has been worried about how she is coping lately

  4. Is she motivated enough to go to TAFE and get some qualifications. You could help by suggesting this with a promise of help and support. I'm sure there are places that can help her write a resume ask Centrelink. The best way to help is to be a good listener especially if she won't listen to you. Point out the positive things she has done in the past and at present.I know how you feel about wishing you could help more. I feel the same about my daughter in LA who is struggling being a working mum.

    1. When I have suggested doing a course in the past she has jump down my throat with she is not motivated or smart enough to do one so I am not bringing it up again

  5. Hi Jo Anne. I feel for your daughter, and I feel for you as a mum, because it's heartbreaking when we see them suffering in any way. She has you as a mum, and that counts for a lot. I'm glad she was going out with her sister, and, hopefully, they will come up with something between them. You'll always be there for her - that's the main thing.

    1. Yes I was so happy that her sister was there for her offering support and also offering to do a resume for her and yes I am always here for her and she knows it

  6. You are doing exactly what you should do Jo-Anne. Just keep loving her and supporting her. It's up to her to do what she has to do. It will make her stronger. I know it's hard but you're doing great.

    1. I know that there is little else I can do but be here and listen and support her when needed

  7. I wish I could provide some magic words for you, but I don't believe there are any. Just keep loving and supporting her. It's good her sister is trying to help, too. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

    1. I know there are no magic words only loving arms and shoulder to cry on and all I can do is hope that is enough

  8. She is her own destiny and she can do anything she puts her mind to. :-)

  9. I think it is very difficult for a mom to see her child going through a rough period. Really there is rarely anything you can do besides being supportive and nurturing. Being her mom is helping her in a way that no one else can.

    1. That it is and she does know that I am here for her


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