Sunday, 3 November 2013

Bullying.....................not good..................

Being bullied is something we think of happening to children at school but the sad fact is that a lot of bullies continue the bulling into their adult life. I feel this happens partly because it works for them, by that I mean by bulling people they get what they want. In some cases the bully will mistake fear for respect, they think their victims respect them and that is why they do what the bully demands.

Yes I mean demands because most bullies demand things be done their way, they don’t ask for a task to be done they tell you in a demanding way that it has to be done.

Some kids because bullies because they think if they don’t get in first then they will be the victim of a bully, which is a sad thing. They carry the bulling into their adults lives.

After years of being a bully it is all they know so they go out into the workforce and think bossing people about is the right way to do things and some will not get that they are still a bully.

Most bullies just don’t see the damage their actions cause as many of us who have been bullied become good at hiding how hurt we feel, we will not allow the bully to see our pain. This we will often carry with us for most or all our lives. It is really hard to let our guard down and t allow others to see our pain, our scars and who we really are.


  1. I could not agree with you more on this subject. I hate bullies. I hate being bullied!

    1. I was bullied and picked on at school and it is the big reason I hated school with a capital H

  2. I hate bullying more than almost anything.

    1. Yes it is terrible and it scars for life in some cases

  3. I'm with you on that! I was bullied in HS from the cheerleaders and popular girls for 3 years. It was awful.

    1. I was picked on my whole school life and I hatred school, didn't stop me going though

  4. bein gay in smalltown southern usa I know firsthand what bullying does to you you either break or you become hard. the last bullying I can remember thye were gonna give me a "red-belly" where they hold you down and take turns slapping/punching your stomach unil it turns bright red. I kneed the ringleader in the nuts and was kicking him in the head when teachers pulled me off of him. he was a year ahead of me and a head taller so after that I was left alone.

    1. Oh Tim I can imagine how terrible it must had been for you, honestly I think some people thing being gay is something they can catch, or some kind of weird choice and it is neither. Of course beating the hell out of a bully helps stop it

  5. My favorite football team is dealing with this right now. Two idiots drove a third player off the team. I have suggested to the team that both should be cut.

    1. Yes I agree they should both be cut, but if they are real good players they will most likely get away with it

  6. So sad isn't it Jo-Anne? And you are so right that it carries on into their adult lives. Good post.

  7. My family bullies me. I go to great pains to avoid being in their company. X bullied me horribly. I moved to a different state to make sure I wouldn't be in any danger of seeing him.


    1. I can't imagine being bullied by ones family that would be so terrible a man bulling a woman not so hard to imagine sadly.

  8. It's very scary and sad. Kids can be so mean and like you said, they grow up to be mean adults.

    1. Yes it is sad that it happens and I don't know how to stop it

  9. What bullies do to you can last for decades. I still remember the Zowine brothers from my days as a youngster. You also make a very good point about bullies who become adults. The very last boss I had in the Navy was (and probably still is) a bully. Even though he never tried to pull my underwear over my head, I'll still remember him along with the Zowines as long as I live.

    1. I know since I was bullied and I know how long it took me to get over it, same for my daughters

  10. Thanks Jo-Anne! I was bullied to both as a child and I have been bullied in recent years. I have thought about writing something also about bullying and linking to your post :-)

    1. Thank you for linking back to here, it is terrible when adults bully others and so hard to stop because often the adult bully sees nothing wrong with their actions

  11. Bullying is a huge problem and I hate to see news reports of children doing drastic things to keep from being bullied. It is something that has been around for a long time and needs to be addressed. :-)

    1. Me too when I see on the news about a child doing something like committing suicide because they are bullied it really saddens me.

  12. I haven't been plagued with a lot of bullying but I certainly have been treated badly from time to time. I just don't get why anyone feels the need to be hurtful to another person. We live in a time that people are just so inconsiderate of others. Such a shame.

    1. I also don't get it but we are not that type of person


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