Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Hobbies...........Do You Have Any................

What is your favourite hobby? 

Do you have hobbies? 

Do you find that the older you get the less time you have for hobbies, is it harder to get motavated to partake in a hobby. 

I love to read, have always loved to read ever since I was a child, I use to read a book a week but nowadays I don't seem to have the time to read like I use to.

I now get books on CD's from the library and listen to them in the car while I am driving around, so now I am getting through on average two books a month again.

This is not a new thing for me when the girls where at school, I started to listen to books on cassette in the car as well as reading a book and back then I was reading sometimes 3 or 4 books at the same time as listening to a book. 

I also use to love to listen to music but many years ago when my record/cd player packed it in, I didn't get around to replacing it as at the time the girls where teenagers and I just never had the time to listen to music like I like to. Which was alone with it turned up loud but the house was always full of people. 

For a while I would listen to cd's through my dvd recorder/player but we don't have one of them anymore so now I have no way to listen to music. I have tired using the laptop but it doesn't play them loud enough for me. 

Now I find my main hobby to be blogging, I read a lot of blogs most days think between 25-40 blogs a day. I have 2 blogs that I write on regularly so blogging is a big part of my life now. 


  1. I guess my too main hobbies are writing and art....neither of which I do enough to satisfied me.
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. I would love to be good at art but alas I am not, writing is not something I have ever tried to do

  2. I love to read and usually read 2 - 3 books a week.

  3. Walking, Biking, Eating Out, Blogging, Watching Critters, Net Surfing

  4. Readers are the BEST kind of people!!!

  5. I love listening to books on CD. I've listened to the Harry Potter series several times. I've listened to the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon about a hundred times. My all-time favorite.


    1. Yes books on CD are great and so relaxing to just sit back and listen or I often like to listen to a book before I go to sleep at night

  6. I'd guess you know my hobby is beer caps. If not, then... Hey! I collect beer caps!

  7. For me it's writing, reading and BEACH!

    1. Yeah I knew you love the beach and writing and reading as well

  8. Reading is a great hobby. I like reading, blogging, photography and gardening.

    1. So many people love to read, and blog but would you expect from bloggers

  9. I, too like to read but find that my blogging time takes away from my reading time. I used to listen to music more than I do now. Mostly in the car. I love to garden and I sew. And like you my family takes up a lot of my time now. I don't get much done when little grandkids are around.

    1. Yes family take up so much of our time, and I think we often go through a period of no time to read then we get older and may find ourselves reading more, well that is what happened with my parents

  10. Because I spend so much time waiting for Shelley and her activities, I have time to read (waiting in carpool, waiting at the barn, etc....) I don't have as much time for other activities...I guess it's the season of life I'm in right now.

    I wish I had more time for blogging and my art, but that day will come, I think!


    1. Yes I would spend a lot of time reading while waiting in the car for the girls.

  11. That's what I love about blogging..... Its my hobby and my passion. I love creating my art and being able to showcase it. :-)


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