Saturday, 19 October 2013

Blogging, Grandsons and Dogs

I have decided that I have to get more organised with my blogging lately I am all over the place I am going to limit the amount of blogs I read per day to say 24-30 instead of 40-60. I am going to get back into writing some posts and storing them in a folder on my computer and I am going to check my blog and post before I start reading other people's blogs.  Sounds like a plan right..............let's see if I can stick to it.

Last night we had Blain here for the night, he was in a bit of a mood for a while since he wanted his mum to bring over his Xbox and she didn't do it right away, she did send it over with Michael he dropped it off on his way home.  

I went to have a lay down at around 3.40pm I thought I would have a nap before Blain arrived but they got here at 3.50pm so I didn't get a nap and guess what by 7pm I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open. 

Tonight Leo will be here in fact he should be dropped off anytime now, so I will not get a nap today either and Tim will be going to work so I am hoping he goes to bed without drama again this week. Since being on the Catapress he does settle down pretty well most days when he is here. 

I have decided to tell Jessica that in future if Tim is working of a Saturday night, and Kelli isn't planning on staying that night then I will not be having Leo so I can have a quiet night home alone I do enjoy time home alone. 

Jessica has decided she can't handle having the dogs at her place so she is going to surrender them sometime in the next week, I have to find the papers for DC before we can do it. Part of the reason she is getting rid  of them is she has started breaking out in a rash when ever they are near her. 


  1. I've been thinking I need to get more organized with blogging too. Like have some posts preplanned for the days I'm in a hurry and don't have time to write one. Sounds like you have been very busy with grandchildren! Have a great weekend!

    1. I often feel like I am flat out like a lizard drinking.................but enjoy blogging so much that once I start it is hard to stop

  2. I really don't know how you get time to read so many blogs.
    Not organized am I but that is due to my situation, in one city one minute other in another day. Though I did think I would do more posts this year but that didn't happen.
    You are busy lady most days baby sitting, looking out for your children, parents, your grandmother plus your husband...

    1. I don't know how I find the time to blog as much as I do as I am often so busy.

  3. Wow your organized. I have no organization when it comes to blogs. I do need to probably set myself a time limit when it comes to social media.

    1. I do not feel organized at times but others seem t think I am

  4. I find it hard to keep up with reading blogs. So much else going on in my life. I don't know how you do it and look after your grand children so often too. They are cute too.

    1. Yes there is a lot going on in most peoples lives but I so enjoy blogging.

  5. Sounds like a good plan for your blogging there, Jo-Anne. I'm all over the place with mine as well these days! I like spending time on my own as well, so I think that's a good idea about the Saturday nights when Tim is working. You're so good with your grandchildren, but you must have some rest yourself! Little Summer is just gorgeous!!

    1. I do enjoy having a quiet night home alone, and I do love my grandchildren and watching them is a joy.

  6. Getting organized sounds like a good plan for us all!

    1. Yeah I am hoping the plan makes me feel more organized

  7. It's difficult but keeping up with so many blogs and writing does require discipline and I need it myself. The pictures of the kids are so cute.

    1. Thank you I do think I have cute grandkids but then I would.

  8. I am trying to organize my blogging time as well. It's hard to find balance between writing and reading. I need to cut back a bit on the reading and spend more time on the writing, I think. Good luck at sticking to your schedule.

    1. If I start out reading sometimes I find the day gets away from me and I haven't got around to writing a post which really annoys me

  9. It so helps to be organized with my blogs. It really helps to make sure I do not miss anything important. :-)

  10. Organized? What's that?!? The only reason I have time to do some catch-up reading this morning is because I'm SUPPOSED to be heading over to the new house to paint. And. It's. COLD!!!! And I don't wanna.



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