Thursday, 23 May 2013

We want to know..........or you want to know............or really no one wants to know.....................

 {no. 1} How connected are you to your phone?
Very if I don't have it I feel lost and hate to leave the house without it, I always feel if I have no phone I am likely to have an accident or break down.
{no. 2} Would you be able to be away from your computer for an entire week?
No I went to New Zealand and took the labtop with me.............
{no. 3} If you had to get rid of one of the following, which would it be and why?
Don't ask me that how could I do without
{no. 4} Do you think you could ever live off the grid?
No I don't think so, I like my comforts and such
{no. 5} Tell us about a time you disconnected from technology/the world and how you dealt with it. Was it good or bad?
I can't remember the last time I was diconnected so honestly have no answer for this, I reckon I wouldn't have felt very good about


  1. Ah, I could live off the grid if I could still get mail by post I think!

  2. Hi Jo-Anne, sometimes I wish I could live off the grid. Maybe then I could get some writing done without all of the interuptions....but who am I fooling...My family and bills would find me by way of carrier pigeon! LOL
    Great post
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Yeah if I tried it my family would go nuts trying to reach

  3. Haha - girl you are really connected to technology. I do like my computer though. sandie

  4. You are connected! I left my phone at work today and am feeling very lost without it~

    1. If I can't find my phone I go crazy looking for it

  5. Not too long ago I had a flat tire and realized that I had forgotten my phone at home, it really is not a good feeling. Luckily I was able to fix the tyre and get home but still, imagine if I wasn't able to.

    1. Yeah I feel if I left the house without my phone that is what would happen to me and I suck at changing a

      Leo Meadowssssssssssss

  6. :D You know, the one day I forgot my cell phone in years I had car trouble. I really don't like leaving the house without a cell phone.

  7. I like to take my phone with me when I leave the house because I have needed it for minor emergencies, but I don't carry the phone around the house with me and don't take it in my pocket when I work in the yard. It's okay if I miss a few calls. I can go away without my laptop.


    1. I don't take mine with me when I go outside or to the bathroom I don't have it in my pocket when I am at home......

  8. I do not know if I would live off the grid. I am very attached to my electronic devices. :-)


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