Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Biopsy Done Yesterday Results Tomorrow

Ok everyone I had my biopsy done on my breast yesterday afternoon and will get the results tomorrow afternoon. 

The procedure its self-went fine, it wasn’t  painful or that uncomfortable although laying on my tummy for like 20-30 minutes was the hardest because when I lay on my tummy I get nauseas from the pressure. It was done with a local anaesthetic and of course I was facing away from the doctor and didn’t see anything being done and felt nothing.  Last night I was in pain through and ended up in bed around 7pm because my boob was so sore, today I am fine no pain or anything.

I am not worried about the results I am sure it will turn out to be nothing but I will let you know tomorrow after I get them.


  1. If it makes you feel any better I'm getting more tests done on myself soon. Blood drawn, x-rays, forms to fill.


    1. I have to go and have a blood test done again today I seem to be forever having blood drawn......and forms to fill in that is so bloody annoying I hate having to fill in lots of forms........

  2. Glad that part's over- take care of yourself, and keeping you in my prayers~

    1. Yeah it wasn't as bad as I thought it might me and I am sure the results will show nothing

  3. Praying that it all goes well with the biopsy!

  4. i'm sure it's nothing too! but sending prayers and waves of healing your way cause it can't hurt! xoxoxoxo

  5. I had a biopsy done a few years ago. I was fine. I pray you have a good outcome. Sending you a hug. :-)
    from The Dugout

    1. Yeah I have no worries about the results but thanks for the hug

  6. Positive thoughts going your way, Jo-Anne.

  7. I hope all comes out well. I will be watching your blog for the results.

  8. Thinking of you--hope all comes out okay!

  9. Hope all is ok. Have been catching up on your blog..

  10. I had that same test done years back. I was in such pain afterwards. I am praying for good results for you Jo-Anne!
    God Bless You!
    Blessings, Joanne

  11. My thoughts are with you that the results come back in a good way. I am thankful you did't have too much discomfort. :-)


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