Sunday, 25 September 2011

Sunday Lunch for Kirsty

Today we went over to my parents place for Sunday lunch we had roast beef and roast lamb with mash and vegies it was of course yummy followed by pink laminton cake for desert.  The main reason for todays lunch was because my niece Kirsty was down she lives in Queensland and we do not see her very often and in February she is moving to the Philippines and at this stage she has no idea for how long. Thankfully we will see her again at Christmas.

My dad isn't in the above photo and neither is Dawson but they both were at lunch I do not know why dad didn't get into the photo he just sat back and watched it being done. This is dad and Kirsty.
This of course is me and Kirsty and the photo below is of Kirsty and her mother.


  1. Kirsty is such a pretty young lady. I hope she enjoys her adventure in the Phillipines. Super you were all able to get together to give her a good send off. Lunch sounded delicious and it was a good opportunity to get some family pictures taken for the memory books. A lovely day, Jo-Anne and you were smiling so happily!

  2. Lovely family there Jo-Anne, great to get together..I must say your dad is looking good these days after his illness which is in the past now....

    You are looking good in both of your posts, and well done on loss of weight...

  3. What a lovely memorable get together.

  4. What a wonderful day, beautiful family and yummy food [want!]. I hope Kristy has a safe and happy trip.

  5. Wow, that lunch sounds so delicious, Jo-Anne!! How lovely that your family all got together like that. Such an exciting adventure for Kirsty to be travelling to the Phillipines. Lovely to see you smiling so happily my friend!!

  6. kirsty is a beautiful young lady. lunch sounds like it was delish. i love lamb but don't get it very often. it's hard to find here locally.

  7. Lovely luncheon company. What is pink laminton cake? The very name makes me want a taste.


  8. Hi Desiree

    Yes she is not only pretty on the outside but beautiful on the inside, yeah I am glad I thought to take my camera with me and got some lovely shots of the family.

    Hi Whiteangel

    Yeah dad does look good now days back to looking more like dad and less like a frail old man......thank
    you in regards to the weightloss I am happy with myself.

    Hi Bubbles

    I hope we made a nice memory for Kirsty.

    Hi SkippyMom

    Yeah Sue will be worrying about Kirsty when she goes overseas it will be her second trip to the Phillipines.

    Hi Thisisme

    In the photo of Kirsty and me I am telling Sue that I was smiling and to just take the bloody photo and stop telling me to

    It was a great family get together we had a great time.

    Hi Teresa

    Kirsty is a great girl and she makes her mother so proud although Sue will be worried about her while she is overseas.

    Hi Lola

    Yeah we had a great lunch Pink Lamington Cake is a sponge cake with cream and pink icing


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