Sunday, 11 September 2011



  1. It is a crazy day and hard to believe that it has been ten years since it happened...
    You were one of the winners of my giveaway a few months ago. If you could email me your address, I will get your prizes out in the mail this week. Thanks!!

  2. such a tragic day. hard to believe that it's already been 10 years, and then at times it's hard to believe that it's only been 10 years. so much has happened since then.

  3. It was a day the whole world was stunned into shocked silence! I will never forget it!

  4. Hi Jo-Anne,
    May all the people that died that day Rest In Peace, and I hope the Family's and Friends and the survivors also can Rest In Peace.
    My Heart, thoughts and prayers to all.

  5. Will never forget that day.
    Everything stopped!

  6. No one will ever forget that evil day. The world just stood still as we watched in total disbelief the horror of it all on our television screens.

  7. Hi Colenic

    Yes it is amazing that it has been 10yrs already, it is something that is talked about still a lot even now.

    Hi Teresa

    Yes I thought the same thing 10yrs already and then only 10yrs sometimes it seems longer.

    Hi Desiree

    It sure was a day the world was shocked and changed forever.........

    Hi Mags & Al Penwasser

    Even though I was not personally affected my thoughts and prayers go out to those who were.

    Hi Eva

    Yes I think most people feel the same.........

    Hi Thisisme

    I remember seeing it on the tv in the morning I had put the telly on for the girls to watch while they got ready for school and of course it was on every channel and they wanted to know what they hell it was they thought at first it was some movie but we soon realised the awful truth.....

  8. A very nice post in remembrance of a tragic event that shook the entire world.

  9. This picture says it all! Thank you for this!
    Blessings, Joanne


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