Thursday, 22 September 2011

27 Years and counting

Today marks 27 years of wedded bliss for me and hubby and for the most part they have been 27 good years yes we have had a problems but nothing serious and I can honestly say I am still in love with him after all these years.........

The weeks leading up to our wedding the weather was beauitful and on the day just after we got inside the church it started to rain and was still raining when we left the church so we didn't go anywhere to have photos taken we made do with having some taken in the church hall.Which is also where we had our reception. 

We don't have any plans for the night a few months ago we talked about going out for dinner but since it is just me and Tim here now I know he will not want to do so, I will ask him but I already know the answer......................


  1. Happy Anniversary! I hope you do go out to celebrate. There aren't too many people these days that can say they have made it 27 years!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. Happy Anniversary! You all were so lovely and handsome in the pictures. YAY.

    27 years is an awesome milestone. I hope that you get to enjoy so, so many more!


  3. happy anniversary Jo-Anne. enjoy your day.

  4. Happy Anniversary Jo-Anne, 27 years is a long time..You and your husband have done well.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a great day regardless of what you do.

  6. Happy Anniversary, Jo-Anne. How nice to take this photographic trip down memory lane with you! I hope you have a lovely day, whatever you do to celebrate.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I hope that you'll go out after all.

  8. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I have been together for 26 years and it gets better - Hope you did get a chance to go out -
    God Bless,

  9. Happy Anniversary!
    It's no easy thing to STAY married, so Bravo!
    (It rained on our wedding, too. Everyone told me it would mean we'd be rich or lucky. so far we've been both.)

  10. Happy Anniversary Joanne. You guys should go out together. Why not? It's an important day. You made me realize that this Nov. would have been my 29th anniversary with Rich. In my heart it still is!!!!

  11. Surely your hubby will treat you to an evening out. An anniversary should never be taken lightly. Best wishes for many more blessed years.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Isn't it amazing how fast time flies? I'm still flummoxed that Mrs. Penwasser has hung around for as long as she has.

  13. Hi Everyone

    Well we did go out for dinner, hubby even arranged for the clubs courtesy bus to pick us up and bring us home afterwards. We had a great time out.

    Thank you for all your kind comments.

  14. First off, Happy Anniversary! I hope that you enjoyed your time together, reading your comment update makes me think you had a grand time!! 27 years is a wonderful milestone! :)
    Second, I owe you such an apology! I have been very terrible about coming and visiting you on your blog! :( I am going to try a lot harder!

  15. Happy anniversary! The joys of being able to read someone's mind! You are both inspirational.

  16. Oh, I am SO glad you went out after all! And that you were able to enjoy yourselves and not have to worry about driving home afterwards.

  17. A belated Happy Wedding Anniversary. I think you already know why, a storm cut me off from the blogsphere!

    Lovely photos, thanks for showing us.


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