Friday, 17 January 2025

National Anthem of The Republic of the Congo


This week’s national anthem is “La Congolaise” which is the national anthem of the Republic of the Congo.

It was adopted in 1959 after the country’s independence from France, it was replaced in 1969 by "Les Trois Glorieuses” only to be reinstated in 1991. The lyrics were written by Jacques Tondra and Georges Kibanghi, and the music was composed by Jean Royer and Joseph Spadilière.

En ce jour le soleil se lève
Et notre Congo resplendit.
Une longue nuit s'achève,
Un grand bonheur a surgi.
Chantons tous avec ivresse
Le chant de la liberté.

Refrain :
Congolais, debout fièrement partout,
Proclamons l'union de notre nation,
Oublions ce qui nous divise,
Soyons plus unis que jamais,
Vivons pour notre devise:
Unité, travail, progrès,
Vivons pour notre devise:
Unité, travail, progrès!

Des forêts jusqu'à la savanne,
Des savannes jusqu'à la mer,
Un seul peuple, une seule âme,
Un seul cœur, ardent et fier,
Luttons tous, tant que nous sommes,
Pour notre vieux pays noir.


Et s'il nous faut mourir, en somme
Qu'importe puisque nos enfants,
Partout, pourront dire comme
On triomphe en combattant,
Et dans le moindre village
Chantent sous nos trois couleurs.


On this day the sun rises
And our Congo stands resplendent.
A long night is ended,
A great happiness has come.
Let us all, with wild joyfulness, sing
The song of freedom.

Arise, Congolese, proud every man,
Proclaim the unity of our nation.
Let us forget what divides us
And become more united than ever.
Let us live our motto:
Unity, work, progress.
Let us live our motto:
Unity, work, progress!

From the forest to the savannah,
From the savannah to the sea,
One people, one soul,
One heart, ardent and proud.
Let us all fight, every one of us,
For our black  country.


And if we have to die,
What does it really matter? Our children
Everywhere will be able to say how
Triumph comes through battle,
And in the smallest village
Sing beneath our three colours


Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Kit Fox


Hello everyone, this week we are having a look at the Kit Fox, anyone heard of this fox before, I haven’t till now.

The kit fox is a fox species that inhabits arid and semi-arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern and central Mexico. These foxes are the smallest of the four species of Vulpes occurring in North America and are among the smallest of the vulpines worldwide.

It has a narrow nose and a small, slim body. The foot pads of kit foxes are small by comparison with other canids. They weigh only about three to six pounds, making them about the size of a full-grown jackrabbit, and ​​the smallest fox in North America.

It is specially adapted for its desert habitat. Its large, close-set ears help dissipate heat, keeping it cool in the hot desert.

They closely resemble swift foxes found on the eastern plains of Colorado but have larger ears and a more angular appearance.

They live for up to seven years in the wild, while captive animals can live up to 12 years.

Their primary food is kangaroo rats, but it also actively hunts white-footed mice, pocket mice, ground squirrels, rabbits and ground-nesting birds. During certain times of the year, kit foxes will also eat insects. They are nocturnal animals finding shelter in dens to avoid the heat of the day and hunt at night.

They rarely drink water since they get all the water and electrolyte they need from their diet. They also have a digestive tract that is super-efficient at absorbing every last millilitre of water from the food they eat.

Coyotes are the biggest predatory threat to kit foxes. Some estimates suggest that three out of four kit fox deaths can be associated with coyote attacks.

In September and October, the female will prepare a natal den, where the male will meet the female. Pair bonds last at least one breeding season. After birth, parents bring food to the dens for the pups. The pups emerge from the dens when they are about five weeks old then forage alongside the parents once they reach four months, by seven months they are ready to leave their parents. They mate for life and have intricate family situations where kits from previous years often stay with the family and help with the new pups.

Monday, 13 January 2025

The Republic of the Congo


Hello Monday, this week we are having a look at the Republic of the Congo. The currency used is the Central African Franc and the country has a population of around 6 million. The official language is French.

The Republic of Congo, also called Congo-Brazzaville, is a central African nation with rainforest reserves that are habitats for gorillas.

The capital city is Brazzaville, it lies across the Congo River from Kinshasa, the capital of neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.

Yes, Congo is split in two the Republic of Congo is much smaller the Democratic Republic of Congo. Both countries are named for the Congo River, the two countries share a lot of traditions, languages ​​like Lingala and Kikongo, dishes and other things.

Brazzaville's highlights include traditional craft markets and the mid-20th-century Basilique Sainte-Anne, with a green-tiled roof and spire. Just outside the city are the Congo Rapids. The cylindrical Nabemba Tower overlooks the river in the city centre. The marble Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza Memorial contains the remains of the city’s founder. 

The flag has a diagonal yellow stripe that separates a green triangle
on the left from a red triangle on the right. The flag's colours and shapes have symbolic meanings, Green is for agriculture and forests, Yellow is for friendship and the nobility of the people, Red well that is unexplained.

The Republic of the Congo is a secular country with no official religion. The constitution protects freedom of religion and belief and prohibits the use of religion for political purposes. 

The majority of the population in the Republic of the Congo is Christian, with Catholicism being the largest denomination.

Other religions in the country include Traditional African religions and Islam. The country also has independent African churches, including the Kimbanguist Church, the Matsouana Church, and the Bougist Church. 

The Republic of Congo has had a multiparty political system since the early 1990's. The voting age in the Republic of Congo is 18 years.

The Republic of Congo is a Presidential Republic whereby the President acts as both Head of State and Head of the Government. The new constitution (adopted by referendum in 2002), established a seven year presidential term and a bicameral national parliament.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Week 2 of 2025


I had another good night, sleeping straight through. It is a pleasant 18 degrees here although we are in for another pretty hot day.

Tim said he should be home by around 7pm, last night he thought he would be home by 10pm but it 11pm before he got home.

He arrived home at 6.15pm

Steps: 9,471

Took me a while to settle last night but once I did, I slept well. Although when I got up at 5am I still felt tired, so I went back to bed for half an hour.

It is a nice 18 degrees; it is supposed to get to 33 degrees. My BGL was 5.0

I booked in to have my hearing checked on the 28th at 9am.

I turned the air con on at 10am, it has been a hot day the temp got up to 35 degrees. 7,670

I had a good night, woke to rain and much cooler with the temp at 22 degrees, although I still had to turn the fan on. My BGL was 4.9.

Sue is taking Archi to be desexed, I did want to go with her, but Tim is working, and I have groceries coming sometime this morning.

Sue was annoyed that she had only been home 45-minutes when the vet rang, and she could pick him up in an hours’ time. So, she pretty much had to drive straight back as it is nearly an hours’ drive from her place to the vet. If they had told her that it, he would only need to be there 90-minutes she would have taken a book and went to Macca’s for a coffee and just waited.

It has been raining pretty much all day, it has also felt sticky unless I have the doors open.



I had a good night, woke when the alarm went off, I have both front and back doors open, however due to the wind I have the screen doors closed.

It is 20 degrees and my BGL was 5.1

It has been raining on and off all day and it is a cold day.

Sam came down and I gave her a birthday card with $20 in it, she had Bailey with her, that’s the new boyfriend.


I woke to the sound of rain again, and it is cold still. I had a hot shower. I am glad we still have the heater in the bathroom as I needed it this morning.

It is 18 degrees and raining, my BGL was 5.1

Tim has changed the position of the lounge at first, I wasn’t sure it gave us more room but after I moved a couple of things it does.

Not as cold as yesterday and it has stopped raining, I am hoping tomorrow it isn’t raining.


There was no sound of rain this morning the ground is mostly dry so that’s good and it’s not cold nor is it hot. Only supposed to reach 24 degrees today, at the moment it is 19 degrees and my BGL was 5.1.

Sue drove me the doctors, he wants me to have an Xray on my left elbow and a CT scan of my left knee.

After the doctors we went to Big W and the Reject shop I managed to get a few Chrissy things that have been put away till next Christmas.

Yet again this afternoon I am feeling sad, and I don’t know why.


Another good night and nice morning it’s 20 degrees, my BGL is 4.9 and my body will not stop moving.

Kathy and the girls came over around 1pm for a visit it was nice seeing them.

I asked Tim if he would go to Maccas for me, but he said he has been drinking so he can’t. So, I asked Tasha if she got my bread roll, she said she thought Tim would get it, but I didn’t ask him, so he didn’t.

This put me in a right foul mood for the rest of the day.

Steps: 4,548

Friday, 10 January 2025

Angola's National Anthem


Since a couple of you asked about Murdering Gully and because I am also interested in how it got that name, I have none some research and this is what I found out. Nothing I could find stuff about a place call Murdering Gully in Victoria but the only site that information about Murdering Gully in my area was the Newcastle Herald site and they wanted me to sign up for a paid subscription which I did not want to do. So, I do not know why it was called that.

Moving on today is Friday and that means it is time for a national anthem and since I wrote about Angola on Monday, I will share their anthem today.

"Angola Avante" was composed by Ruy Mingas. The lyrics to the song were penned by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro, an author who studied in Huambo and is affiliated with both the country's Writer Union and Union of Artists and Composers.

The song was officially designated as the country's national anthem in 1975, when the country gained independence on 11 November that year. It is enshrined under Article 164 of Angola’s constitution.

Its lyrics refer to several key events in the history of the MPLA. However, this has been rendered "obsolete" since the end of the one-party state in 1992. As a result, there have been efforts to modify the national anthem, along with other national symbols. However, none of these have come to fruition, and the anthem remains unchanged as of 2014.


O Pátria, nunca mais esqueceremos
Os heróis do quatro de Fevereio.
O Pátria, nós saudamos os teus filhos
Tombados pela nossa Independência.
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Construindo no Trabalho o Homem novo,
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Construindo no Trabalho o Homem novo.

Angola, avante!
Revolução, pelo Poder Popular!
Pátria Unida, Liberdade,
Um só povo, uma só Nação!
Angola, avante!
Revolução, pelo Poder Popular!
Pátria Unida, Liberdade,
Um só povo, uma só Nação!

Levantemos nossas vozes libertadas
Para glóriados povos africanos.
Marchemos, combatentes angolanos,
Solidários com os povos oprimidos.
Orgulhosos lutaremos Pela Paz
Com as forças progressistas do mundo.
Orgulhosos lutaremos Pela Paz
Com as forças progressistas do mundo.

English Translation

 O Fatherland, we shall never forget
The heroes of the Fourth of February.
O Fatherland, we salute your sons
Who died for our Independence.
We honour the past and our history
As by our work we build the New Man.
We honour the past and our history
As by our work we build the New Man.

Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People!
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!
Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People!
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!

2. Let us raise our liberated voices
To the glory of the peoples of Africa.
We shall march, Angolan fighters,
In solidarity with oppressed peoples.
We shall fight proudly for Peace
Along with the progressive forces of the world.
We shall fight proudly for Peace
Along with the progressive forces of the world.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

First off there is a Hodgepodge post  here:

Now for today's post

This week we are looking at the treatment for bipolar disorder. There are two major parts to managing bipolar disorder: acute management and long-term management.

Treatment needs to be ongoing and tailored for each person.   

You also need to remember that treatment for bipolar disorder needs to factor in any conditions you have such as anxiety or substance use disorder. Other medical illnesses such as hypertension, obesity and thyroid problems sometimes occur together with bipolar disorder.

Mental health practitioners need to work out your treatment according to whether you’re experiencing hypomania, mania, depression or euthymia (absence of depression or mania). A highly qualified mental health practitioner needs to prescribe your treatment. Each person needs a treatment plan tailored for their individual needs, as everyone with bipolar disorder experiences it differently.

Do not try to self-medicate or develop your own treatment plan.

Acute management aims to stabilise someone currently experiencing mania or depression.

Medications like mood stabilisers and antipsychotics are the main focus of acute management of bipolar mania and depression. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be effective for treatment-resistant acute mood episodes, especially in people experiencing depression with psychotic features.

Long-term management involves maintenance and prevention of relapse, and optimised functional recovery socially and at work. Medications and psychological and lifestyle approaches are aimed at providing long-term prevention of relapse, building resilience, and improving quality of life.

There are specially trained mental health professionals such as psychiatrists and psychologists who can help you with bipolar disorder

You need a thorough check from a health professional before treatment is prescribed and specially prescribed medication is the most effective way to treat and manage bipolar disorder. However, psychological and lifestyle therapies can be helpful additions to your treatment.

Some may experience ‘rapid cycling’ can go between depression and mania a few times a week (some even cycle within the same day). While others might have mood changes less often and less severely.

There are also some who can have very severe episodes of mania with psychotic symptoms (hallucinating or delusions) and need hospitalisation.

Some people can experience normal moods in between their swings, though the majority of individuals experience some low-level symptoms between episodes.



National Anthem of The Republic of the Congo

  This week’s national anthem is “La Congolaise” which is the national anthem of the Republic of the Congo. It was adopted in 1959 after t...