Sunday, 2 March 2025

Week 9 of 2025


After a much better night, I am up washed and dressed. Sue came over to see if she could help Tasha with her studies about massage and she could help a bit but said she has a book at home that may help, and she will look for it.

It is a hot day, but I haven’t turned the air con on. It reached 31C but I didn’t turn the air con at all. However, I will have the bedroom air con on when I go to bed.

I was in bed for an hour and was unable to settle so I got up to use the powerfit and update this entry, then I will go back to bed and try to settle.

Steps: 10,650


After I went back to bed it still took at least an hour to settle and fall asleep.

When I woke up, I wasn’t feeling good I don’t know if the reason is lack of sleep or lack of food, I didn’t eat much yesterday.  

Sue and I went and had a massage, it felt good

I am extremely tired this afternoon.


I slept straight through the night, I woke up feeling tired, I hope that passes soon.

It has been a coldish and wet day, I walked up to get Sam in the rain this afternoon, I am glad I bought a rain poncho.

Sue was telling me that she thinks Dave & Leigh have helped Dawson get a car.

I have a headache and stinging eyes this arvo.

I am off to bed a bit early it is 7.30pm and I am done for the day.

Steps: 10,087

I slept ok, not great it was after midnight before I settled fully.

Sue rang and let me know her car is out of rego till next week when she gets paid. She also noticed that she had a flat tyre, and she has a $600 power bill so right now she feels like she is drowning in debt.

Sandy rang to tell me she is moving again, as she has been offered a 4-bedroom place at Elermore Vale, a 10–15-minute drive from me, this is wonderful news.

Later Sandy rang to ask if Tim could loan her $2,500 for a removalist, DCJ just paid one to move her to Raymond Terrance and will not pay for one to move her to Elermore Vale 


I slept ok, not great it was after midnight before I settled fully.

We are in for another hot day, this the last day of summer and the last day of February. It is currently 19C at 6am, my BGL was 5.0.

I have already vacuumed and fold the clean clothes up.

Now to read some blogs and do my Friday post.

It got to 34C here I had the air con on from 10.30am.

Didn’t do much other then put the clean clothes away, emptied the dishwasher, vacuumed a second time and I ironed a few things. I also managed to write three letters to penpals.






  1. You did do a lot even after some restless nights. :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of your excess of restless nights this past week, Jo-Anne. Here's hoping this week is much better for you. Blessings!

  3. There is nothing as therapeutic as a good massage.

  4. We call them movers .... and they are expensive!! Happy Birthday Thea!

  5. It is expensive to move. I'm sorry you are having sleeping problems. Lack of sleep is miserable.



  This week we have moved onto Iraq, officially known as the Republic of Iraq, is a country in West Asia, bordered by Saudi Arabia to the so...