I slept well
woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top
of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C.
Tim took the car in for its first service, I noticed
after he left that he forgot his phone, that would be annoying as who doesn’t
scroll through Facebook while waiting. Those who left their phone at home
that’s who.
I changed the sheets and by the time I was done I was
dripping sweat and felt exhausted. So I turned the air con on.
I have answered 6 letters today.
Tim went and cashed in cans and bottles.
It was
midnight before I fully settle last night, at 5am I got up and took my meds then
went back to bed for an hour.
Around 10am
Tim and I went to Sue’s so he could change her flat tyre, however, he wasn’t
able to get the lug nuts off as the tool he had was too big as was the one Sue
had. Although the one Sue had, come with the car so you would have thought it
would fit.
We called
into the shops so I could get the scrips and some bread before coming home.
I have been
tired on and off all day and it has been stinking hot.
I had a much better night, last night, felt a
little heavy headed when I first got up, but I am doing better now.
I made myself an egg and cheese roll for breakie
but only managed to eat half of it.
Tim went to Sue’s after his morning school run to
change her tyre, but he wasn’t able to do it as he couldn’t get the lug nuts
off as they were on too tight.
This afternoon Dawson called in to see me and make
sure I knew had another car.
Been raining this afternoon.
Steps: 9,822
Another good night, I can’t have my morning egg
flip as we have no milk till the groceries are delivered and I have no bread,
but I did have a stale bread roll which I have used to make a grilled cheese.
So, I managed to only eat half of the bread roll,
nothing wrong with it just no appetite.
I had a wagon wheel hot cross bun for lunch, but
it was too rich for me, in future I will only have half at a time.
It started out cool but warmed up by 11am.
By 5.45pm I was falling asleep, I will stay up
till 7.30pm.
Another good night, I slept straight through waking only when my
alarm went off.
I have both front and back sliding doors opened and it is nice
just a slight breeze.
It started raining while I was wait for Sam this afternoon.
Tasha drove Blain’s girlfriend’s car to Tafe and on her way home
the car stopped, and she couldn’t get it going and was in a state. Tim was able
to go and help her turned out it was a flat battery.
Kathy rang Tim via Facebook as she does every Wednesday just to
see him and have a short chat.
Another good night, I slept straight through
waking only when my alarm went off.
I had a shower after Tim left for work, then I
vacuumed before making breakie.
Sue rang the mobile tyre place, she had to buy a
new tyre as they wouldn’t put the spare on in place of the flat one, well the
guy turned up he was a friend of Ed and Les, she got the number of the mobile
tyre mob from Sandy. Anyway, he told her for only $20 more she could have got
two tyres as they would waive the call out fee.
It started to rain here around 1.45pm it didn’t
last long maybe 10-minutes. It then started raining again at 3.30pm.
Had a reasonable night’s sleep, although when the
alarm went off, I didn’t want to get up.
This morning I was sitting here reading blogs when
I heard a loud squark and I jumped, when I turned round there was a cockatoo
standing a foot away from me, I said what do you want, it walked over to bird
seed and looked at me, so I feed it and all the others out the front.
It has been a nice day, haven’t done much not much
motivation today. I started to feel real tied by 6pm.
It is 8.30pm and I am off to bed.
Steps: 5,945
I had a good night, woke at 5am with the alarm but after taking
my meds I went back to bed for another 40-minutes.
It is raining this morning; it looks like it will be a wet day.
I have been feel blah all day.
Forgetting his mobile phone is something our children would NEVER do! I think they have their phones physically attached to their bodies
ReplyDeleteSo far I haven’t left my phone at home. But knowing me, it’s in my future. What drama on the tire situation. We’ve had similar frustrations like that. Something that should be quick and easy gets complicated.
ReplyDeleteA friend just got back from New Zealand and Australia and she said the Australia’s are the friendliest!
OMGosh! A cockatoo coming right in to ask for seed--LOL! Now that was a sight to behold, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you got a lot of good nights for sleeping. That's great!
Hope you can stay cool! :)