Sunday, 24 November 2024

Week 47 of 2024


It is 12.50am, I went to bed at 9pm but fully fall asleep I dosed on and off till midnight when I got up to pee. I decided to use the powerfit and now I am starting today’s diary enter as even though I am tired I don’t know if I will fall asleep, so I am staying up for a bit.

I went back to bed at 2am slept ok and when the alarm went off at 5am I got up. The temp is 19 degrees and my BGL is 5.1

At around 8am I went back to bed for an hour; after getting up Tim and I went to the shops.

I have done bugga all today, Tim did cut my hair though.


I had a good night slept well and woke to a cold wet morning so different from yesterday.

It is 19 degrees and my BGL is 5.0

I walked up with Sam in the rain, thankfully I have my rain poncho, so I didn’t get wet.

Jess came down and said she would take me to Kmart tomorrow to look at dresses.

It stopped raining and warmed up.

I decided I would do a load of washing and hang it up before I go to bed.


I had a good night slept well, however, while taking my morning meds I had problems swallowing and this resulted in tablets melting in my mouth, not nice.

It is 18 degrees and fine, my BGL was 4.8. like

Jess and I went to Kmart she bought me a couple of dresses and a nightie she also paid for my face cream.

Blain was supposed to be coming home today but he overslept and missed his flight. Tasha said she has no idea when he will be able to come home since neither her nor Jono have money to pay for his flight.

Tried on the dresses one is perfect and one is a bit big, I am going to see if I can find someone to go and exchange it for me.

Steps: 9,170

I had another good night the temp this morning was 16 degrees and my BGL was 5.2.

I am feeling energic this morning wonder how long that will last.

Sam brought down her mother’s heavy fluoro work jacket and asked me if it could go in the washing machine, we checked the label, and it said do not machine wash. So, I told her to leave it with me, I washed it in the washing machine, but I know how to change the settings so was done on a quick delicate wash.

I sent both Sydney-May and Summer a message this morning, asking how the holiday is going, both replied which was nice. I had a long voice message from Summer, Syd sent a written message it was good hearing from them.

Steps: 9,111

I had another good night the temp this morning was 16 degrees and my BGL was 4.9

It turned out to be a nice day I have done very little as just not a lot of motivation today


I had another good night the temp this morning was 16 degrees and my BGL was 4.9

I felt great this morning and managed to not only vacuum and clean the bathroom and my computer desk. I also cleaned the sliding glass doors.

Tim suggested we got to the Eastern Tiger for lunch tomorrow and suggested we ask Sue if she would like to come, she does so I made a booking for 11.30am tomorrow.

Realise when I was folding up the new blue dress to go in a bag that it is size 18 not a 16, we went by what was on the hanger and didn’t look at the dress.

Got the Christmas decorations out and will put the up over the weekend.

I went to bed at 9pm but at 10.20pm I got up and used the powerfit as I was restless.

Steps: 9,894


I am having a shocking night, it is 1.15am and I have little to no sleep, if I did does off at any point, I am unaware of it. At 1am I got fed up with the tossing and turning and decided t get up for a while. Thankfully today is Saturday so if I need to go back to bed after I take my 5am meds I can.

Yeah, I did go back to bed for an extra hour, after taking my meds. I felt ok when I got up.

Tim, Sue and I went to the Eastern Tiger for lunch that was great. After lunch I went and exchanged the dress that was a size to big.

The first thing I did after getting home was turn the air con on, it was 30 degrees in the house. It is now around 25 degrees inside the house.

I am feeling worn out and drained and a little sad, nothing that I can put my finger on.

My steps are low today as with the heat and feeling worn out and tired I just didn’t do much.

Steps: 4,289






  1. 30+ degrees inside the house is often tiring, especially if the rooms are still and stuffy. It was 36c for two days this week in Melbourne and I relied more on moving air with the fan than lowering the temperature down to 22c.

  2. It sounds like you had more good nights than bad ones, Jo-Anne, so that's great. Hope the week ahead is a blessed one for you!

  3. Sounds like a busy week! You are warm down there and we are freezing. Not expected to get above 30F (-1C) for the next couple of weeks at least. Could get as low as 6F (-14C) for a high even. A real sudden winter. It was raining a few days ago.

    1. Seems strange at times that when we are in summer others are in winter, I have never lived anywhere that cold don't know how I would cope

  4. How far away from home is Blain stranded?

    1. He is in Cains with is anything from an 18hr drive to a 21hr drive from here depending on how long one rests for during the trip.


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