Friday, 9 February 2018

Five things Friday No 3

Here we are at 5pm on Friday afternoon, been a good day although this morning between my eye weeping and my nose dripping I have felt somewhat frustrated and of course there is the pain that made every step agony.

Well here are this weeks five things...............

My grandparents house and how I love that house

My uncle telling mum he is going to sell my grandparents house and how upsetting I have found that news......................

This would be the time to win Lotto so I could buy my grandparents house, not going to happen though.....................

Feeling so tired I just want to sleep...................later not know though......................

I miss my nanna, and still talk to her as if she is still with me which in some way she is.................


  1. Sorry about your Nanna...and your foot. :(

  2. Did you buy a logo ticket? Can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.

    1. Nope I don't buy Lotto tickets so not going to win

  3. If I hit it, I'll share... but I haven't a ticket either...

    1. The chance is so slim I can't be bothered entering

  4. Never take a ticket in Lotto wouldn't know how to :) won't win anything will I!

    1. Have done in the past but generally can't be bothered now days


Newcastle's Trams way back when

  Hello Wednesday, hello world, hello readers today we are looking at the rise and fall of the electric tramway. Newcastle’s first tram se...