Thursday, 22 February 2018


Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?

When it comes to disagreements with others what do you do are you one to stand your ground or do you try to avoid the conflict.

Are you someone who speaks their mind even if it will course an argument or are you more likely to say little or nothing but do whatever you want anyway. Maybe you are someone who smiles and nods while thinking things like “you're an idiot” or “just shut up you fool”.

I am one who tries to avoid an argument, I don't do conflicts very well I get confused and my heart pounds and I just want things to settle down. I have never in my life been in physical conflict aka fight, that is just not me.

Although I have two sisters who will go all badass on you if you start in on her or any member of her family they never back down and will stand their ground. This they get from our dad, who if he felt he was in the right would stand his ground and not back down and dad is only 5'2”.


  1. I engage it head on. But I usually do so in a non -combative way. However, if things go badly, I can be a circle saw headed their way.

  2. It depends on what the conflict is about. But good question.

  3. I am trying to teach myself to walk away. Usually I find myself eating a foot when my mouth is open.

    1. I know a few people who often have foot in mouth disease

  4. I try to avoid conflict especially if a stupid ass tries to provoke me into it. However, if they really keep asking for it, they'll get it. LOL I won't back down and I do hold my ground but I do not initiate conflict. I refuse to engage in physical conflict. I only know one person who makes conflict mean and nasty. Everyone else just engages in intellectual discussion and that is what I prefer.

    1. My sister is one who doesn't back down ever, ok I have two sisters who don't back down and my daughter Natasha is the same

  5. I usually speak my mind but as I get older it takes me longer to get upset. Can't be bothered with disagreements.

  6. I listen then speak my mind if it's necessary to me.

  7. Dear Jo-Anne, for me, being assertive depends on the situation. If something is being said that I think is harmful or destructive to another or something that is racist or homophobic, I usually speak out. I try to do this as moderately as I can without blaming the other person or assigning motives. But after years of being non-assertive and simply letting things be said that make me cringe or hurt my feelings, I decided about 20 years ago to be more straight-forward. Only then, I came to think, could true friendships and relationships be built. Peace.

    1. Many of us learn to speak our minds as we get older

  8. Oh I usually will hit it head on, if I feel it is worth it. I am trying to let a lot of things that I would confront, just go. I now try to just pick my battles instead of tackling with them all.

    1. My mum taught me to pick my battles when I was a young woman

  9. Hi Jo-Anne ... I'll converse and chat about difficult subjects - but I don't do conflict ... well I usually manage to avoid it. If necessary I leave the subject ... so I don't need to get worked up ... cheers Hilary


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