Friday, 22 May 2015

Five things's bloody cold and wet and windy

Here are at Friday again and what a cold and wet Friday it has been, and yes I was out and about it's Friday and that is shopping day, anyway here are this weeks five things.

Long sleeve singlets

A little boy in tears (missing his mum)

Riding a motorbike in wet and windy weather (not me)

Another little boy wanting to stay with nan not mum and nan saying no, yes I do say no at times.

Leo here so Blain now laughing ( no Leo is not staying, just here while his mum does something)


  1. It sure is windy and cold even up here.

    1. Nice to know it isn't just here that it has been cold and windy

  2. Cold down here too Jo-Anne, but it's not too bad.

  3. You do make me laugh at the best time. What crazy busy life you have. 😊

    1. Well that is good and yeah it is busy and crazy most of the time

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hope you got a bit warmed up meanwhile... Wish we had something from the wet as we are begging for rain.
    Wishing you a happy long weekend.

  5. Is it Fall or Winter there yet Jo-Anne?

    I have a question by the way Is there a movement afoot by your government to try to make the Aboriginese people live somewhere they do not wish to? Or is that rubbish?

    1. It is the last week of Autumn here aka Fall.

      Yes some Aboriginal communities are to close as it is costing so much to keep them, it isn't usually mentioned that these communities are isolated and those living there do not work but are supported by the government. I have mixed feelings about it, the communities are in outback Australia with only a 100 or so people living there.

  6. sorry if I spelled that wrong. xo


Swift Fox

This weeks’ fox is the swift fox. The swift fox is a small light orange-tan fox around the size of a domestic cat found in the western gra...