Friday, 29 May 2015

Five things Friday

How is everyone on this Friday afternoon, ok it may not be Friday afternoon were you are but it is here, well since it is Friday it is five things Friday.

Too tired to move but have to do so anyway (boys to get from school)

Owls (on fingers, in ears, on wrist and around the neck) jewellery

Wearing slippers to go get the boys from school (would never have dreamt it when I was 20)

Clothes driers (need them in this weather)

Aching neck and shoulders (would love a massage )


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, it barely IS Friday here... and I'm so tired... Need to sleep tight!
    Busy weeks and running often out of time for doing it all.
    Hugs and happy weekend to you.

    1. Yes often I feel there is so much to do and so little time to do it all in

  2. I love owls! And my slippers! I wear mine all the time, but haven't actually left home wearing them...maybe I should try...I once read a blogger who wore her pyjamas everywhere! She had several pairs, a new pair for each day and felt they were as acceptable as any other item of clothing. I loved her attitude! I do hope you wake up pain free tomorrow. Back and neck pain are no fun!

    1. I have only started to wear my slippers to the school this year they are black slippers and don't look much different to a pair of black slip on shoes which is why I am ok with wearing them to the school

  3. I don't own slippers...if i did i don't think i would wear them..

    1. I only started wearing slippers in my mid 40's

  4. I hope tomorrow is a better day!

  5. Sounds like a busy Friday. Funny the things that don't bother us as the years go by that would have bothered us when we were younger. :)

  6. Replies
    1. I like to have matching jewellery and have plenty of owl jewellery


Swift Fox

This weeks’ fox is the swift fox. The swift fox is a small light orange-tan fox around the size of a domestic cat found in the western gra...