Thursday, 22 August 2013

We Want to Know..................or You Want to Know.................ok no one wants to know but I am telling you anyway

1. What is the weirdest thing you own?
A life size portrait of Julia plunging the knife into Kevin's back.......................ok not really......truth is I don't own weird
2. What reality show would you want to be on?
Great Australian bake off but only to eat the food as I can't
3. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
Nothing, never gave it any thought I just drifted with the flow
4. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?
That I am full  of self doubt and I am not as happy as I often make out I am
5. What is something you've always wanted to do but are afraid of?
Be a passenger in a race car speeding around a race track............


  1. I don't think I own anything weird. I'm not quite as filled with self-doubt as I used to be. Getting divorced and living on my own took away a lot of my doubts, not that I recommend it for you.


    1. Yeah my self doubt has diminished as I have aged but it still rears it ugly head at times........

  2. As I get older, I find myself with less and less self doubt. I don't know exactly why, but I'm glad. And the race car? That would be fun!

    1. I think many of us find our self doubt diminishing as we age which is a good thing

  3. Now there are some things I did not know about you! I may not always comment, but I do read your blog. :)

    1. Well that is good to read, if I visit a blog I try to comment but it isn't always easy to have a comment come to mind, but then I am likely to comment that I have no comment

  4. I think you are funny. Especially on these questionnaires. Don't they say that comediennes are not "glass half full" people?

    1. Me funny...........damn..........thank you.........

  5. It's always so interesting to learn more about the people whose blogs I read. Very interesting.

    1. I agree and these types of posts make an easy post the type you don't really have to think about

  6. I think we all struggle at times with happiness. I know I'm really good at acting happier than I actually am. But I've also learned that I am in control of my happiness. I have to take action... throw myself into things I love. Serve those around me. Keep a cleaner home, etc. It's hard not to be happy if I'm making others feel good and enjoying the things I love :)
    You're amazing! Loved getting to know you better!

    1. Yeah sometimes I fake it till it's real.........and you are so right we are the only ones in control of our own happiness, which is why I will fake it till it's real...........I love my family as much as I love my alone time

  7. Jo-Anne I love learning so many wonderful things about the bloggers I follow. I believe that we all have self doubt but having wonderful friends around us (like you) helps reassure us when we are down. :-)

    1. Thank you for saying I am a wonderful friend......that is what you were saying right...........if not well to bad that is the way I am taking

      I like to tell people about me because I am shallow, or because it is an easy thought free

  8. I love your answer to number two! That is too funny! I totally agree though, I'd like to be the judge on one of the cooking shows.


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